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In my opinion, a messaging ability doesn't actually come with any consequences. Why would scum want to warn you about the consequences of voting them? If there were consequences for voting her, then they would want you to face them rather than help you not face them.
That's a fair point, i dropped the vote off of Flowa because it felt too much like a frame job on her anyways.

So keeping your vote on her is a townie thing to do. Did you get role blocked after that message or before that message?

I don't know. I don't remember. However, Flower did come out and say multiple times that she was the leading wagon. I thought you knew she was the leading wagon and that's why you thought that her extending the day phase was to save herself. Anyway, according to her she was leading apparently.
I'm gonna have to go check, i said she may have been trying to save herself in the context of if she was leading the wagon. Hence why i asked..

He might be busy. I don't know too much. Or maybe his post restriction restricts him from posting anymore. Could be anything.
Could he have been silenced or Blackmailed? Sans Me/You/Flower and Lussop no one else was really sussing him that hard. And i don't recall anyone bringing him up but us 4 today. So if he isn't silenced then he's hiding imo, voting him could flush him out. Might as well test that theory, but i think im set on Usopp for now.

Either she is scum herself, or they tried to frame her or they want players to look into other matters. I don't know, the messaging ability mainly seems to have been used to cause confusion at the very least.
Yes i already said that exact thing, its to confuse/frame/distract.

Tunneling is scum indicative, that's why doing that as a townie is never a good thing. That's one of the scum tells I look for. Scum pretend to scum hunt by either tunneling a single player or trying to avoid this entirely they sometimes go all over the place. Both are scum indicative.
I was merely speaking in regards to how Usopp plays, and so far his tells have never been wrong.

I'm not going to go over scum tells here, but Usopp being all over the place and not wanting to lynch his suspects because they are active players is never a good thing. We don't lynch candidates based on how actively they contribute to the game later. We lynch them based on suspicions and information. After wards he said he was fine with a cfd on Flower, and then Kiwi, but since no one was following him, he voted T-pein then.
Yes exactly, that scumsop 101.
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