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basically if usopp was swapped
tris should have hit that other player . in all cases tris ability should show up.
there's also the thing with luthon and what rules failing.
if it wasnt and it didnt show up.....
man tris ..

also can we get the abilities up so anyone familiar with those in their role can confirm
otherwise we can assume its scum.

scum leans
still rayan.


Zoro Worshipper
i act think marimo or midnight had something to do with lanji 1.0 but

no hard evidence. just that lanji 1.0 was gonna check one of them and now lanji 1.0 is dead.
Midnight is playing his weird scum self to my knowledge, since he's been asking strange questions. Marimo is particularly inactive which is not his usual even for his standards...

I think there are several chances for this to come to fruition.


No dude... that's a bike...!!
lets say you and i got swapped

if odd decides to watch you


odds new target is now me

someone tried to kill you, but hit me instead.

thats one scenario that could happen.
depends on the processing order, but the idea is why did odd not see tris?

usually bus drives r processed first, specially if scum drives

so the way this shuda been is me drived with sm1 (lanji/rhea)
then sm1 sends a killshot to me (kills lanji/rhea)
then odd watches me (instead watches lanji/rhea who r also targeted by the kill and drive)

but then he shud see tris targeting me, which he didnt

one of them is a liar for sure, and one of tris/luthon was liar as well so tris looks horrible
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