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Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
@Jew D. Boy do u also have to lynch flower? r u indie?

such a wack double executioner indies

makes sense why JDB was pushing kiwi with me

and i thought sm1 is finally listening to me


told u this sht aint town
Unequivocally false, a real misguided Hail Mary from someone who should know better than to openly pull a scummy move like this ;)
Okay, listen, guys.

I‘m not Town. I‘m an Indie. I have to lynch JDB as my wincon. And he has to lynch me. We‘re both Indies. Nat probably knows about this, so she is so adamant I‘m not Town. Whoever pushed me today might just be scum pushing for an Indie, so that they can earn some cred. But I‘m not harmful, I just need another Indie gone. Given how lynches go, though, I doubt I can achieve that without making an alliance. You‘re running around like headless chickens, Town, and it‘s time you stop this.
knew you were being weird
fucking subs lol
ok what r the chances me, odd and tris all 3 town?

we shudnt just tunnel too much on 3 of us and actually start pressuring others a bit

ive been saying this entire game but none rly cares

its getting frustrating
ehh its why i dont want to focus too much on mechanics besides we haven't even heard from

@Robin @Marimo_420 and Tobi subbed out for @RheanaeL if she has anything.
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