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While it is true that Zoro has had subsequent defeats and losses (Enel, Lucci, Borsalino and the Yeti Brothers come to mind as plausible losses), none of them were in straight 1 vs 1s against his arc opponents, and none of them were swordsmen. In short, none of them were duels. Zoro's oath can be understood as being in reference to duels with other swordsmen (he just lost a duel to Mihawk and promised he wouldn't lose until he faced Mihawk again), and in that respect, he has held up his promise. A clean defeat by King or Who's Who will cause Zoro to break this most solemn vow. His oath to Luffy is one of the three most important character defining moments for him (the other two are the Thriller Bark scene and when he bowed his head to Mihawk to ask him for training). That vow is a core component of his character.

To get defeated by another swordsman would break that vow, it would severely undermine Zoro's character. And for what? To make his fight less "boring"? To add some vague sense of excitement to his battle? To generate fake tension? Instead of adding depth to his character, a loss would only serve as regression for Zoro. Would you really rather Oda undermine Zoro's character for cheap thrills?
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