You are Kiwipom!
[Passive – Charismatic] - Kiwi takes confident steps, built upon the foundations of her hard work. Her pride magnified her charms to others. Her vote counts as 2.
[Passive - You can't hurt my team] - You cherish your teammates. Faction kill performed by you will be upgraded to super kill. [1 shot]
--- [That's it] - If you are the last member of your mafia team then faction kill will upgrade to super kill.
[Passive - Not to Sabby] - Kiwi doesn't believe any rule had been set which disallows her to do anything she wants. When Kiwi is on the verge of death from a lynch, she will passively deflect the lynch onto a townie whom she has targeted thrice. [1-shot]
[Active - Bear Claw] - Don't you dare to say anything against Bears. Once per cycle, She can target a player and role-block them for the cycle.
[Active - To Protect] - During the Odd Nights, Kiwi may protect one of her teammates from the regular kill.
[Active - KIWIPORN] - Bish!! Now, You have made it into my list. Anyone who spells your name wrong finds their way into your Meme list. People who will claim would see your rage. During the night, You will select such first player and then you will select the second player who will be forbidden to accuse or vote or say anything against the first player. Failure to do so will result in the role crush of the second player. However, this ability won't work if the upcoming phase becomes MyLo/LyLo. [2-shots]
[Conditional Active - Hosting Duo] - If Drago and Kiwi target the same player during the night, they'll abduct them. They'll be unable to post nor vote during the following day, and they'll be blocked the same night as well before returning to the game the following night. [1-Cycle Cooldown]
Wincon - Eliminate all threats to Mafia