You are Jew D. Boi!
[Passive - Donald Trump 4 2024] - JDB is a great fan but you don't want to end on his bad side. He must always taunt and mock the person he's voting against as blunt as Trump. If they take notice of his taunts and comment on them, his vote will count double against them. If he doesn't [Taunt] he will get vote silenced.
[Active - Frankster] - JDB is arguably one of the biggest fans of Franky. As such, he will follow in his footsteps. He will begin the game with 6 colas and can use them accordingly.
--- [2 colas] - He may protect himself.
--- [3 Colas] - He may protect the player of his choice.
[1-Cycle Cooldown]
--- [4 Colas] - JDB may target a player and upgrade one of their abilities at random.
[1-Cycle Cooldown]
--- [3 Colas] - You start the following day phase with a voting power of 0. However, your vote will count for 2 if the person you voting for votes you back.
--- [4 Colas] - You can target a player to role-block and vote-silence for the cycle.
--- [6 Colas] - You may vote the player of your choice in morse code. The first 3 players to quote your post will have their vote count on the player you voted for in the morse code.
--- [Full Blown] - You can target a player and role-crush their role permanently. It will destroy
[Frankster] ability as well.
[Active - Weed boi] - He doesn't smoke weed. Weed smokes him. If he will target a player then that target would come under the influence of weed and would misfire his actions at night randomly.
[1 - shot]
Wincon - Eliminate all threats to Town