I’m not trying to insult you but we both have our agendas lol.
Sure, I mean I have my agenda of Zoro wank, but I don't really care about Onigashima's size though. I mean it doesn't matter how large Onigashima is for my Zoro wank. Hiryuu Kaen is impressive because it terrified two top tiers, not because it travelled several kilometres.
Likewise, blocking Hakai is impressive because it was a combination finisher attack of two Yonkou and not because of the insane DC. Whether the shockwave of Hakai has a radius of 10 kilometres or just 2 kilometres, Zoro still blocked a high top tier attack. Absolute DC feats are only relevant in crossverse battles, and I don't really debate for One Piece characters in crossverse battles.
This kind of debate over whether Onigashima feats are truly island level is literally completely irrelevant to me. I don't care about the raw DC involved, I care that Zoro blocked a high top tier attack. As far as my agenda is concerned, Onigashima's actual size is irrelevant.
It's honestly something that I don't want to spend time debating because it is so pointless.
I mean, I didn't go out of my way to find the most wanked up size of Onigashima I could. I simply accepted the pixel scalings I saw which seemed well-founded. If a credible argument could be presented that Onigashima wasn't several kilometres across, I would accept it.
However, it's literally an island surrounded by a mountain range:
No matter the extent you reach to downplay Onigashima's size, Oda has told us that Onigashima is surrounded by a mountain range. We see those mountains in the above scan, and they are far smaller than a single horn, let alone the entire skull.
Like it's just not plausible to try and push the agenda that you're pushing. You would have to insist that the mountain range that surrounds Onigashima is not a mountain range despite us being told that it is and that it is portrayed as one.
I'm not a fan of denying things that are unambiguously shown in the manga (like Onigashima being surrounded by a mountain range). Trying to deny what is virtually Word of God because it contradicts your agenda is a bit too much don't you think?
This is all a bit too silly for me.
Speaking frankly, I find your arguments to downplay Onigashima's size absurd. If it was literally
anyone else, I wouldn't even dignify this thread with a reply.