Greatest Hype In this Chapter?

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What do you guys mean by Zoro has CoC? I read the spoiler but I didn't see anything about that. I think I am going insaneeeeee
- Zoro uses the Ashura attack against Kaidou (we don't know if the old one or a new one).
- Kaidou: "It can't be ... Haoshoku? Enough is enough. Brain Myung Bagua !!"

This right here, Haoshoku is Conqueror's Haki.

Luffy is said to recover himself, get up, after both of these lines. Unless Kaido is sensing Luffy's CoC from the floor, it seems like Asura is an CoC attack and Kaido attacks Zoro to stop him from using it.


Heavy Metal
It's great right after a chapter where Kid thanked Zoro for saving them and Killer was couting on Zoro to manage prometheus, this is actually a cool trio. I'm kinda sad Luffy isn't getting many interactions with the rest since the fireball gag.
True, but this will come again i guess.
Oda does this, i guess, cause he cant display them to get to friendly to each other now (Kid and Luffy), otherwise it will be difficult to keep up the rivalery. But we will see more bonding. I expect we get some hilarious and funny scenes to see after the fight at the classic "end of the arc party".


Never Feed The Badders Pasta
He got knocked out. But it's also possible he blocked it or tried to.

Zoro (Asura) vs Kaido happened after this. Zoro got his hit in. Kaido seems to have taken out Zoro

Luffy gets up and seemingly learns you can imbue Conquerors Haki in your attacks as Zoro and Kaido just showed. Luffy then either seems to do it at the end there or not. It makes Kaido fall down, then Luffy claims Kaido will lose "somehow".
That's just mad hype. I have never doubted that boy. I am just suprised he is getting his shit rocked in base and yet he was up before the end of the chapter. That's nuts.


I’ll admit, I’ve famously railed against the idea of Luffy having another user in his crew...even through all of that, I have unwaveringly declared that Zoro would be the one if anybody 👏🙌🤝
Nah I predicted it SPECIFICALLY for that very reason. Zoro's charm is in his loyalty to Luffy, even if he's fit to be captain himself.

Having the qualities of a king and becoming a right hand man out of volition is admirable.
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