Greatest Hype In this Chapter?

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Few question in my mind
Is asura in full power mode?
Will this asura reopen kaido's wound from oden?

Or do we get to see full power asura later with permanent black sword that will reopen kaido's wound / chop off his head ?
* Luffy stood up and talked to Kaido (part of it)
Luffy: I got hit by your bat and got it...!! You can also wear "the color of the king", right?
Kaido: Only the strongest ones!
After that, Kaido collapses after a series of Luffy attacks.

* Luffy: You go down. I'll win somehow in the future...!! Just give it to everyone!!!
Oh this is new, so Luffy attacks Kaido repeatedly this chapter?
Finally Zoro uses Ashura. Been waiting awhile to see it, so I’m hyped for it. But with it ends that ZKK nonsense, thankfully, from Zoro’s mouth himself.

Also, looks like stuff happened between Zoro’s exclamation and Kaido talking about CoC, given the context of the scene. Based on Luffy’s statement, Kaido is talking about him, not Zoro. Luffy seems to infuse it into a separate attack and Kaido is shocked by it, to which Luffy says that he learned it when Kaido hit him with his bat.

Luffy is a god damn monster by the way. He’s been almost casual in these last few chapters. It’s crazy how strong he’s gotten, that he spent time fighting the Yonko with no haki, and then has been fighting in base with minimal damage and effort. He’s ridiculously strong. That panel of him hitting Kaido last panel of him declaring Kaido’s defeat will be epic.
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from talkop some one translate pls?

* 索隆对罗说:我现在开始用的招式是我的极限,如果不好使后面就交给你了
* 凯多:难道你也..“霸王色?”(对话省略),没什么奇怪的,这会留下伤口
Kaido: Did you... "Haoshoku?" (Dialog omitted), nothing strange, it will leave wounds...
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