They really role crushed him that same night?
@Lord Genome.
I'm happy to have won, but I'm not sure that it seems fair that town was able to turn things around so easily after suffering so many losses. I didn't read most of the thread, so I'm not sure what happened, but at a glance it seems like that shouldn't have happened. I'm interested to see what everyone else has to say about that.
@Go D. Usopp ™ I seem to remember you saying several times how useless I was, and that I was never going to do anything in this game. I know I wasn't exactly a star player, but I am relishing in the irony of you saying that and then getting modkilled, while I went on to be crucial to the town's victory. I'm bringing this up because on night 2, I told you not to count me out, and you basically told me it was too late for me to do anything so I should just die. I hope this teaches you to back off people a little bit in the future.