Greatest Hype In this Chapter?

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i dont know how good the chapter is until i read it, but thats not what its about. its about the story thats been set up for hundreds of chapters. zoro kills kaido. remember it.
Except that is not been set up at all and is blatant headcanon. Nothing more than him using Enma to harm Kaido has been set up by the story.

i guess its been so long people forget zoro pre-timeskip when he would take enough damage to kill a normal person and then still win. zoro with a body full of broken bones low diffs king. the matchup doesnt make sense anymore
But Zoro killing Kaido does.



Zoro Worshipper
Enma is most likely merely a training tool:

Zoro whilst attempting to tame Enma said: "Give it back to me" obviously referring to his general energy and also haki after his arm had shrunk in size. However I believe it's extensively unlikely that Enma is capable to permanently store these even if the user wished to, and eventually the energy would be converted to another form, and regardless Oden's arms were normal before he died. Kaido talks about presence, not even haki, and swords are living objects canonically, eventually Enma simply stored his memories, but that has to be proven later on.

Also I believe that the black blade is decidedly not about storing haki in the sword, but eventually render it particularly hard without storing it, since Zoro failed to cut up Monet.
Because, Oda isn't going to make Zoro irrelevant for the next 20-30 chapters while everyone else fights. When has he ever done that?

Thats another thing I don't get about ZKK, Luffy is supposed to win, but Zoro is supposed just show up out of nowhere and kill Kaido? Claim victory for himself after Luffy wins? Like I have no actual "Problem" with ZKK, but its the logic I don't actually get with it lmao.

IF Zoro stayed on the roof the entire time and IF he continued to fight with Luffy in a 2v1 (whilst maybe temporarily being knocked out at a point like now), then I would understand the point, but Oda has clearly communicated Zoro is done with Kaido.

Like are you actually satisfied with Zoro being out for 10s of chapters while everyone else gets powerups, action panels and dedicated fights? Somehow lopping Kaido's weakened head off is more interesting than getting 2-3 chapters to fight a YC if he recovers?

I simply do no understand the desire for it, especially after this chapter.
Be patient like you’ve always been.
It’s takes time to craft a good plotline.
Please show me where the manga shows Luffy getting Zenkai boosts.
>Luffy got FS through his extreme diff battle with that a Zenkai boost?
>Luffy got advCoa through training with Hyo in that a Zenkai boost?
>Luffy got advCOC technique by getting knocked out by Kaido several times and finally copying that a Zenkai boost?
If we seeing it in the view of Law, yes it looking like zenkai boost for him. And that is the point, we actually not see what Law do during the 6weeks. Fact is that he fought Doffy twice in a extrem deadly match, he fight Hawkins twice, one time getting close to death again.
And their are so many other unknown point who not explain what Law did during all the time.
Enies lobby show it clear, if the maincharacters(Law is a main character from the yonkou saga) need to get stronger they getting zenkai boost, if you like it or not and how we even talking about zenkai boost? Almost 6weeks pass since Law had his extrem fight with Doffy, that is very long time to get far stronger.

Luffy is the best example who can neg-low diff his dressrosa version.
Alone the fact that Law can keep up now with landing attacks on Kaido are enough, also he LEARN a new skill and he can still show more later. It is not wrong to think Law can mid-high diff his dressrosa version..

Why is it different? Wasn't Snack a commander level opponent?
Cracker vs Luffy doesn't prove your point when Cracker ended up getting one shotted and Katakuri placed pre FS Luffy above Cracker.
Well Cracker fuck up Urouge well Snack didn´t and also Snack was nearly a 30 and probably a new SC.
Based on infos the gap between a YC4lvl like Perospero/Snack and someone as Cracker seems large then expect(as example Jack vs Sulong Minks and Pero vs Sulong Minks).

Tell what you want the strongest supernova barely win with help of Nami(massive nerf for Cracker) and the help of tons of homies(forest) to beat Cracker. And now Luffy is far above Cracker, showing how massive the jump is.
Also the chance that a stronger Law who is stronger then Doffy can still match up a calamity(since Jack is still free) like Jack.

You guys don´t wanna accept lvl ups from characters, because it destroy your headcanon that current Law is still weaker then Doffy.
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