Greatest Hype In this Chapter?

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World's Strongest Swordsman
- Oda makes a clear effort to show Zoro using his strongest attack, with clear dialogue saying "I leave it all to you", while also having Luffy say "you all go down and let everyone know, no matter what, I will win this!"

- ZKK meatheads: "But Zoro's coming back up! He specifically said he will cut Kaido TO PIECES. That means he MUST DO IT" "Blocking Hakai and using Asura to permanently scar Kaido IS NOT ENOUGH!"

On no basis but a parallel that they think is happening at this point lmao. Apparently we have to take Zoro's words literally, but Luffy saying he'll win this isn't dialogue we can literally accept either.

I'm done with this conversation. Having fun having a heart attack for the next year until it doesn't actually happen. I'll be enjoying the clear 1v1 that is being set up like every other arc because I've come to expect it LITERALLY every arc.

Like I said, Zoro vs King is everyones best bet at this point. I would start hoping for that before Oda causes this forum to collapse in on itself with ridiculous expectations like Luffy having his thunder stolen in his first Yonko fight.

Remember this comment, all I'm gonna say.
Why is zoro vs King everyone's bet ? Zoro is in no position to be going into a fight right now.
And no zoro won't be back on the roof. When he does go for kaido it will be above the Flower Capital.
Weird and out of the blow? That’s true, but switching to fight another yonko nonetheless is still a good thing.
What I like about Kid in this chapter is that he's not being stubborn on defeating Kaido over Luffy this time, he knows that Big Mom is going to come back and he knows that someone has to fight Big Mom.

With Luffy keeping Kaido busy, someone has to keep Big Mom busy and with Law and Zoro so far out it makes sense that Kid and Killer would be the ones to fight Big Mom.
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I mean, that has no bearing on Zoro actually fighting Kaido again. He already did what he said he was going to do up there: Cut Kaido.

The fact that Luffy already is telling them to leave is telling enough on where Oda is going with this. Its more likely to assume Zoro gets a calamity fight then to think he will show back up to fight Kaido again lol.
Chopper has to fight Queen or Perospero at this point, i think he is going to fight Queen since Brook was the closest one to Pedro and the one who should fight Perospero.

Queen has to fight Drake and probably even Apoo. Drake and Zoro already took Apoo down, he won't be defeated again and he lost the antidote. Queen mentioned Sanji's father because they are both scientists, no need to search for another link.

Sanji has to fight King, their goals are in direct contrast.

Zoro's possible matchups are:
- fighting King alongside Sanji
- fighting Queen with some kind of help (Chopper? Sanji to defeat in a 2 vs 2 King and Queen?) But it would seem weird, he entrusted the live floor to Drake.
- fighting Jack
- fighting WsW without his mask

But i think that since he already had his fight and went all out, he can still do something else but he won't have a solo fight. It is too much at this point.
Kaido says it will leave a scar which means the current wound is no normal stab.
He was fine after Oden scarred him, it didn't debilitated him at all so *scarring* Kaido doesn't matter. It's not as important as you think. And if it was a 1 v 1 Zoro would have never lasted long enough to deliver such a wound. It's only because Zoro has Enma and is getting teleported around by Law that he is even in this game.
Why is zoro vs King everyone's bet ? Zoro is in no position to be going into a fight right now.
And no zoro won't be back on the roof. When he does go for kaido it will be above the Flower Capital.
i guess its been so long people forget zoro pre-timeskip when he would take enough damage to kill a normal person and then still win. zoro with a body full of broken bones low diffs king. the matchup doesnt make sense anymore


What do you think Zoro and Law will do for the rest of the chapters? They are not done.
Because if Zoro and Law don't go back to the rooftop then they will fight the commanders. Zoro vs King will definitely happen. That would be the biggest f**k you from Oda to the Sanji fans LOL.
Well BM has to be defeated too, and i think Luffy still might need help too, but to be honest when Luffy states that he will solo someone , he does so and wins
Why is zoro vs King everyone's bet ? Zoro is in no position to be going into a fight right now.
And no zoro won't be back on the roof. When he does go for kaido it will be above the Flower Capital.
Because, Oda isn't going to make Zoro irrelevant for the next 20-30 chapters while everyone else fights. When has he ever done that?

Thats another thing I don't get about ZKK, Luffy is supposed to win, but Zoro is supposed just show up out of nowhere and kill Kaido? Claim victory for himself after Luffy wins? Like I have no actual "Problem" with ZKK, but its the logic I don't actually get with it lmao.

IF Zoro stayed on the roof the entire time and IF he continued to fight with Luffy in a 2v1 (whilst maybe temporarily being knocked out at a point like now), then I would understand the point, but Oda has clearly communicated Zoro is done with Kaido.

Like are you actually satisfied with Zoro being out for 10s of chapters while everyone else gets powerups, action panels and dedicated fights? Somehow lopping Kaido's weakened head off is more interesting than getting 2-3 chapters to fight a YC if he recovers?

I simply do no understand the desire for it, especially after this chapter.
He was fine after Oden scarred him, it didn't debilitated him at all so *scarring* Kaido doesn't matter. It's not as important as you think. And if it was a 1 v 1 Zoro would have never lasted long enough to deliver such a wound. It's only because Zoro has Enma and is getting teleported around by Law that he is even in this game.
You're confusing toughness and being able to withstand pain with no or little to no damage. Like Luffy said, Kaido is still human, all of these attacks will accumulate and have an effect.
Law use everything we seen him used so far that can work , i think the shield is even a new move .
Kidd and killer did stuff but it was also show that Kaido would just shrug it off still they have BM so they can show more stuff .
Truth is they could have done 100 moves each but it would have just been Kaido take some damage and moving on since that is what Oda wanted it to be .
The way Oda have Kaido it not like they can even take that much attack without getting KO from the looks of this chapter .
The scabbards had better showing against kaido than law, kidd and Killer.
For those who believe Luffy vs Kaido 1v1, how will Luffy break his will? He has the ultimate zoan df, even if he beat him, I dnt see Kaido depressed and give up like Katakuri. Something tells me why did Oda bring Orochi back? To get us use to heads falling off. Kaido can be just like Jack and get back up after being pummeled. Zoro will be back to finish him off :kayneshrug:
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