Greatest Hype In this Chapter?

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Where did you pull the 5% from? When Kaido literally tells Zoro that he did significant damage?!

I don't underestimated him. I am still on King VS Sanji train but Sanji isn't comparable to Zoro.
So how much is it? It's not a half, it's not a quarter. They're making it sound like Zoro took most of his HP, and the rest can just waltz in.
Where did you pull the 5% from? When Kaido literally tells Zoro that he did significant damage?!

I don't underestimated him. I am still on King VS Sanji train but Sanji isn't comparable to Zoro.
Depends, we have to see how Sanji is, but if he solo an YC lvl opponent, that is compare with Zoro who we can't ignore still was in team fight and Enma is blade that can only hurt Kaido too. He is YC lvl too from what he shown even with teams. Sanji will be facing someone stronger and also change the tide of the war.
How can you channel two types of Haki at once? It's not like there are 2 Haki reserves, 1 for CoA, 1 for CoC. Haki is just Haki. It can be turned into armament or conqueror's.

CoA and CoC are just manifestations of the internal Haki they all have...
When Rayleigh described CoC he says it's one that grows with the user and that might also be the kind that Blackbeard sensed on Luffy so it does seem that CoC might work independently.


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Kaido goes from base mode (weakest) > full zoan (second weakest) > hybrid (2nd strongst )> awaken hybrid (strongest)

So your theory of Zoro cutting a dragon over the captial to recreate ryuma feat makes no SENSE


Lmao so now Kid fans claim he has all the set up for beating Big Mom? Where's all that set up when you guys claim that he's gonna stay with Kaidou all the way?
You guys don't even realize that Kid and Killer just get yeeted from the roof so that Luffy can have his 1v1, not all different to Zoro and Law. And no they are not beating Big Mom. Luffy has stated multiple times and even made a promise to motherfucking Katakuri that he's gonna come back to defeat here. :usoprice:
Nope. Oda matched Kidd against Big Mom because he wants Kidd to rival Luffy without taking any of Luffy’s shine against Kaido. I don’t like it, but that’s how it is. Luffy fights a yonko, Kidd fights a comparable yonko and the rivalry continues.
Where did you pull the 5% from? When Kaido literally tells Zoro that he did significant damage?!

I don't underestimated him. I am still on King VS Sanji train but Sanji isn't comparable to Zoro.
Sanji would logically need an attack bigger than KKG to put down King. King aint have shit endurance and durability like Kata. He's gonna be above Doffy in this regard since he's a Zoan. Sanji gonna have to do a crazy finisher to put him down.
Dude you don’t even get im not arguing ZKK. Im arguing you saying Zoro will no longer be involved in this fight.

I believe Zoro aint done in this fight and a massive reason why is because he literally has no other role in this war other than to fight Kaido and also we’re only in Act 3, i dont see Zoro being sidelined for basically 2 more acts especially In Wano a samurai / swordsman arc.

I see Zoro making a return and him and Luffy beating Kaido together, with Luffy landing the last blow but I only see this happening at the end of act 4 which is atleast 30+ chapters away.
Except he can fight a Calamity, which is a logical explanation that even many ZKK fans are on board with because most people understand Zoro isn't going to be knocked out while everyone else fights.

The scabbards are back up and fighting, but the scabbards aren't going back up to fight Kaido. Same, very simple thought process here.

Once again, occams razor. It's easier to assume Zoro will fight a Calamity, albeit weakened, than to assume he will fight Kaido after Luffy just stated he'll handle it.
Thats like Luffy telling Kid ill leave it up to you if my last attack doesn't work. IT won't make sense because Luffy is stronger than kid and kid has no way of doing anything better than luffy. thats why luffy DOESN'T LEAVE IT UP TO ANY ONE !!. Even at the end of the chapter luffy says LAW ZORO GO DOWN LEAVE IT TO ME. See the difference???

Zoro: I leave it to you law if my final attack doesn't work because i have notthing else and you are stronger

Luffy: Leave this to me you guys cannot do anything if i lose anyways
The fucking fax you spitting! Does your mouth ever run dry from all that Spitting or do you stay quenched with the water of Luffy hype?
Sanji would logically need an attack bigger than KKG to put down King. King aint have shit endurance and durability like Kata. He's gonna be above Doffy in this regard since he's a Zoan. Sanji gonna have to do a crazy finisher to put him down.
Mate, Doffy is a CoC specialist. These are the hardest people to take down. Even the Dressrosa citizens commented by saying "how is he still standing".

So no you don't need KKG to put down fucking King. Sulong Inu attacks are enough.

I mean there was that scene with Kaido sensing it after Luffy was one shotted so it wouldn't be so crazy.
Yeah but he didn't run out of Haki. He was just KOed.
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