General & Others 9 Legit Reasons Why Sanji IS Fighting Queen.

why are you asking the answer to an obvious question
who else
peroncorino is right
he didnt take significant damage beacuse the suit is that durable
he hates that because he owes that to the people who designed it for him.
If Sanji without RS were defending himself with armament haki in his stomach compare to RS Sanji without Haki defending himself, the outcome would still be the same.

And beside, Sanji only uses the RS to save his friends (Momo) and for disguise. He never wanted to use the RS for strength and fighting combat.
If Sanji without RS were defending himself with armament haki in his stomach compare to RS Sanji without Haki defending himself, the outcome would still be the same.

And beside, Sanji only uses the RS to save his friends (Momo) and for disguise. He never wanted to use the RS for strength and fighting combat.
if he has to fight queen or king
he will use the rs. its his powerup.almost every battle they take is to protect their friends/people they care about so.....

"If Sanji without RS were defending himself with armament haki in his stomach compare to RS Sanji without Haki defending himself, the outcome would still be the same."
dont think so
coa isnt some perfect shield and sanji doesnt have too many feats in that regard to think he will.
if he has to fight queen or king
he will use the rs. its his powerup.almost every battle they take is to protect their friends/people they care about so.....
Agreed. Sanji can't beat Queen or King without his RS.
"If Sanji without RS were defending himself with armament haki in his stomach compare to RS Sanji without Haki defending himself, the outcome would still be the same."
dont think so
coa isnt some perfect shield and sanji doesnt have too many feats in that regard to think he will.
I mean if Sanji didn't use armament against Black Maria because he might afraid that he might injure her arm then it should defend Sanji against King's beak without the RS.
Agreed. Sanji can't beat Queen or King without his RS.

I mean if Sanji didn't use armament against Black Maria because he might afraid that he might injure her arm then it should defend Sanji against King's beak without the RS.
the gap between black maria and king
should be equivalent to this

attacks vary strength
some attacks coa can block fully
and some attacks it would still hurt you significantly
as I said
its not a perfect shield.
an example

the suit protected him
hence his comment on its durability now arguing that he possibly could have done the exact same without the suit is doubtful
given what he said to king mid air .
the gap between black maria and king
should be equivalent to this

attacks vary strength
some attacks coa can block fully
and some attacks it would still hurt you significantly
as I said
its not a perfect shield.
an example

the suit protected him
hence his comment on its durability now arguing that he possibly could have done the exact same without the suit is doubtful
given what he said to king mid air .
Fair enough. But Sanji is still durable nonetheless.
i forgot lol
cooler fighting aesthetics
matching abilities
allows sanji to showcase more of what fans want to see
aerial fights, speed, fire
Oda treated King and Queen in the same way and we have seen what kind of interactions they had, they are obviously very close to each other.
This doesn't change the fact that if Sanji vs King didn't happen, it'd be the end of my OP journey.
Not because Queen is weak, but because Oda has the perfect opponent for Sanji in King, built a plot to link them and decided to make them clash with each other and he would waste everything giving to Sanji a different opponent for no reason except to troll us.

I don't want just a fight at this point, i want The fight.
He hasn't had a fight in ages, he swallowed his pride using the RS and deserves the best. The perfect opponent that flies better than him, uses fire better and is faster, basically Sanji's Katakuri. The funny and ugly balloon unable to fly with the worst looking DF in the beast pirates can fight Drake and Chopper.
well thats the second part lol
i suppose people wouldnt want to hear more about judge
but story wise
its not something to toss away . we'll see.
I like Judge and i want to know more about him and Sora, but Vegapunk is the right character to do that.
Not Queen.
Queen is an evil scientist that probably knows Judge and what happened to Kaido in PH, there is no reason to think otherwise .

Queen certainly doesn't know Judge loved Sora a lot, that he wrote the comic strip with a hero named Sora fighting the evil Germa for her, that he is just a guy that couldn't bear the burden of his name and that Vegapunk gave Sora the drug:blush:
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