[FNZ] Super Role Madness [Season 2] Round 5 - Joker Appears In Worstgen

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Why are do they keep saying you are defending queen did I miss something? I got converted once before and based on my experience, I still got my town role so I did everything to make sure town didn't lynch my cult leader lmao. You are doing the opposite I am legit confused about ekko's argument ahh well. :kayneshrug:
Why are do they keep saying you are defending queen did I miss something? I got converted once before and based on my experience, I still got my town role so I did everything to make sure town didn't lynch my cult leader lmao. You are doing the opposite I am legit confused about ekko's argument ahh well. :kayneshrug:
I dont see it either lmao
but then when he questions their sus
they would say he is being defensive


Certified Memelord
I never said your reasoning was fallacious, I said it was muddled. The point being that hashing out who may have been recruited is useless, because with Cults, the first threat that needs to be addressed is the one doing the recruiting. Hunting for recruitors is a great way to ensure you're not doing that.
well ya this is how we should be going about it

it only becomes problematic if the CL is immune to stuff until we kill his members

but doubt that's the case here

also seems like u do get offered before u get culted apparently? so someone was actually thinking of recruiting u afterall

what if they successfully did and you are just unaware of it yet? did something happen to ur role other than the ability destruction that affected everyone?


Certified Memelord
My man mind Mango is not town and claimed so yesterday. Please stop being a drama queen about me asking him questions. You don't need to know everything and I don't trust you so at this risk of sounding redundant do not worry about my questions to Mango.
yes but he also gave us pretty useful info and clearly said he wins with town

why do u have to go so much on the specifics rn

he can reveal this stuff later imo
I dont see it either lmao
but then when he questions their sus
they would say he is being defensive
Meh I don't trust usopp this game at all. He feels off this game and hasn't made any decent push at all. I am low key doubting there is a role that can make someone vanilla, that is waay to broken. If anything its a role crush.
Ratchet is doing the opposite of defending Queen tbh tbf.
Which is why Usopp argument sounds like horse shit to me, converted cultist don't throw cult leaders under a bus that is different to bussing and a good way to lose.


Argonauts, roll out!
I was looking through the Christmas game and noticed there was a lot of Kill-alls, I'm having a faint feeling that it's the same case here, just with cults instead


Certified Memelord
Here's my take so far;
Midnight Delight

Kvothe Kingkiller

Light D. Lamperouge



u still town read midnight? he seems culted af

also why are u scum reading pain and light? any reasons?
I was looking through the Christmas game and noticed there was a lot of Kill-alls, I'm having a faint feeling that it's the same case here, just with cults instead
jester cult won that game
ability to convert is dreadful in games like this
and it seems acc to light it might be random.

Vote lynch Queen @AL sama @Tris

I can invest a person and find out one random ability off theirs . Queen is cult. The ability I found out off of investing her is that every night a random player will be converted to her Sakura cult becoming the Black Shadow's servant whatever Black Shadow or Sakura are lmao. The name of the ability is Blackening.
you cant even stop it
Meh I don't trust usopp this game at all. He feels off this game and hasn't made any decent push at all. I am low key doubting there is a role that can make someone vanilla, that is waay to broken. If anything its a role crush.

Which is why Usopp argument sounds like horse shit to me, converted cultist don't throw cult leaders under a bus that is different to bussing and a good way to lose.
Yeah. Unless the Cultist inherits the Cult Leader role, but nothing implies that that‘s Ratchet‘s goal here. In fact it‘s almost throwing to bus the CL when you are just getting started as a Cult.
yes but he also gave us pretty useful info and clearly said he wins with town

why do u have to go so much on the specifics rn

he can reveal this stuff later imo
He can mostly likely win without town as well. I am interested in my wincon. With games like these mango could have easily made his role town but he didn't and like most townies we need to verify 3rd party players. Specifics are important, we questioned the hell out of Flower but now you have a problem with me questioning Mango? What is this hypocritical nonsense? Flower can also win with town assuming she was not lying but obviously not everyone took that face value so I MUST question Mango because maybe I didn't take everything he stated at face value and the fact that you have a problem with that screams suspicion in my book.


The End and the Beginning
yea i read everything and find it pretty unecessary what u said to light tbh
he rushed the claim yea, but i dont think it was bad either. he made it pretty clear to avoid any confusion and could help us easily eliminate one of the cult leaders
You don't seem to understand. Investigators should not claim before the players they have investigated. There is no wiggle room there, failing to adhere to that standard is a misplay at best. It's pretty funny to me that your point here is to attempt to highlight the futility of me explaining why this standard exists, when you seem entirely unaware yourself why this standard exists.
like ur throwing blocks of texts saying obvious unecessary stuff when none asked for it feels like ur insecure about ur position and need to explain stuff none wants
Does it? Or is that what you've decided to conclude based on, well, basically nothing? I don't feel like I'm at risk of being lynched. I explained what I explained because Light claimed before Queen, so clearly an explanation was warranted. It's not like I just decided to lecture everyone how this should work, we say it, in game, not be followed correctly, which for me, justifies my contribution.
i could sit here and skim through all ur posts and hardly find value off them. u keep either reiterating stuff or educating people on how to play mafia but not actually have proper proactive content regarding the events in the game
I mean, I feel like I've been plenty fine in that regard. You can throw out words like "proactive" all you like, it doesn't mean much to me. Through my play, I've gotten a good grip on the game, have several scum and town reads, and now seem to be pretty widely town read. I think I'm doing okay. Can you say the same?
ur reaction came off as pretty defensive and u had to throw another block of text to even further explain it by enlightening me on my accusation. i will throw accusations (weak or strong), troll, and/or even fake results for reaction purposes and i cant say i like ur reply tbh
Why did it come off as defensive, though? This is your issue, you're simply coming up with scum tells and trying to attribute that to my play, without doing the hard work of actually establishing that my play demonstrates these scum tells. Your accusation was nonsense and dumb, and I duly explained why it was nonsense and dumb. If you don't like it, then stick to using terms you know you're actually familiar with, otherwise it comes across as you throwing mud at the wall and trying to see what sticks.
i would of much liked it if u just said no i didnt defend queen, i was just educating light (which was hella unecessary rn)
Unfortunately Usopp, what you like isn't really my concern. I did say I didn't defend Queen, and I did say I was educating Light (and the players at large) on what to do in those situations. You just don't seem to like the way I went about that, which isn't really of any concern to me.
i can see ur vote placed on queen but u still remain one of the players i suspect of being culted since u had a good town read on you and we dont know if queen can pass her cult leader to one of her members after she dies or not
You can suspect me of being culted all you like, it really doesn't mean anything to me if you don't have anything to support it. You say I had a good town read, and while that is partially true, I was also the second-leading wagon for the majority of the orginal 24-hour phase Day 1.

If we're dealing with an inherited cult, then the game is over now and we should all stop playing. Because it's almost impossible to stop a cult that inherits their powers, they would simply continue to grow and grow with no way of stopping this growth permanently unless we luck out by obliterating the entire cult within one cycle. I would be very disappointed if this were the case, so I don't feel like it bears much consideration at all. Have you actually thought about how it would work from a balance perspective? Cults generally have a single recruiter, at the most a secondary one that is X-shot or Restricted in some capacity, and once these players die the Cult is either left to be eliminated or survive like a pseudo-mafia without a kill, or they all die along with the cult recruiter/leader. In a game of this size, with what seems to be several Cults present, I expect one Recruiter per Cult and that's it.


Certified Memelord

ratchet never outright defended queen, dont get the wrong idea now

but he is the only one to go after light for his claim which to me reads as a setup for soft descredit on light into an indirect soft defense of queen

i feel like his talk with light was completely unnecessary content


Tripple Hoyo Player
ah another typo infiltration here as well, and u have fuji in it too. this cart is donezo lol

so do u scum read me or was that out if spite rej? thanks for outing my protections. totally helps...

out of all these scum ningens u actually chose to shoot me. Which post of mine yesterday strikes u like "yep i gotta shoot this guy out of every1 else"

i need a good reasoning cuz i dont appreciate this tbh
I just shot you cuz of trigger happyness. I had the gun and I was like "fuck it, time to bullet him once".

- if you tr me I cant trust you since you once pocketed me
- if you sr me I cant work together with you since you are so stubborn and chaotic
- you lost town the game twice or thrice here by surviving long plus samw happened on TB
- I dont want people to listen to your reads so blindly and think you are a powerplayer when in fact you are a chaos player
- you did not enter the cart, which means you wouldnt trust me anyway

Also yeah the cart ride was scummy a.f.
-Tucker asked why people wanna shoot ya, half of the cart agreed that you are quite PoE
-kvothe trusted me the most
-TYPO did not chat just like some posts
-Fuji played chaos and probably targetted kvothe based on their statements
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