Current Events Why do People Expect Sanji to Solo a Calamity?

Sanji vs Calamities?

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Let alone two?

Are the Sanji vs King and Queen people serious? Is this some elaborate shitpost I'm missing out on? Is this coping because Sanji hasn't defeated a significant combatant solo in the New World?

I'm pretty flabbergasted. Luffy defeating Linlin in WCI seemed to have more going for it than Sanji taking down both Calamities.

I don't actually hate Sanji and I'm annoyed at Sanji bashing. This is me being (perhaps brutally) honest.

As usual, I tag a lot of people for my posts. If you want to be removed from my tag lists, let me know. Likewise, if you want to be added.

Leaving aside Sanji taking down both Calamities, I'm not confident that Sanji will defeat any Calamity solo. I have been expecting Sanji to do this for a while, but I think it's time I reevaluate. There are three broad reasons I'm losing confidence in Sanji soloing a calamity:
  1. Increased scepticism of the meta-narrative
  2. Powerscaling might actually matter?
  3. Viability of a solo matchup given the events of the Live Floor

Increased Scepticism of the Meta Narrative
There's the traditional argument that Sanji will solo a Calamity (presumably Queen) because Queen feels the template of Sanji's traditional opponent:
  • He's a bit goofy.
  • Both love women (particularly Komurasaki)
  • He has a rivalry with Zoro's presumptive opponent (King).
  • He knows Sanji's father and addressed Sanji as "Judge's Son".
  • He mentioned the need to take down the Strawhats' strongest combatants.
  • He's the one that sent the Tobi Roppo after Sanji.

I agree that Queen is Sanji's presumptive opponent. However, recent events have undermined my confidence in Sanji defeating Queen solo.

  • Oda had Linlin defeat Usopp's presumptive opponent (Pay Pay).
  • Oda had Linlin defeat Nami's presumptive opponent (Ulti).
  • Oda had Carrot lose to her presumptive opponent (Perospero) and seems to have entirely discarded the opportunity for her to get vindicated in a rematch, instead of setting up someone else (Nekomamushi) to defeat them.

Meta/pattern-based arguments are looking less credible to me seeing as Oda appears to have consistently defied such patterns.

Nami vs Ulti in particular is very stark:

Nami had far more buildup with Ulti as her opponent than Sanji does with either of the Calamities:
  • Ulti defeated her already.
  • While Ulti was threatening her she declared that Luffy will not stop until he becomes Pirate King.
  • Ulti spent a while chasing her.
  • She struck down Ulti with her lightning (twice).
  • Ulti hurt Tama
  • She vowed that she will defeat Ulti.
  • She resolved herself to stop running and challenged Ulti head on.
And yet Nami doesn't get to defeat Ulti solo. Linlin took out Ulti. If Ulti recovers, she would likely be significantly weakened.

If Oda is willing to prevent Nami from taking down Ulti by herself despite the extensive build-up for Nami vs Ulti, then I don't think the superficial setup for Sanji vs Queen/King is sufficient to grant Sanji a solo victory.

The same argument that predicts Sanji soloing Queen also predicted:
  • Usopp soloing Page One
  • Nami soloing Ulti
  • Carrot defeating Perospero
  • Zoro never fighting Kaido
  • Zoro soloing King
    • In fairness, this might still happen.
This argument has a horrendous track record, so I'm pretty dubious of Sanji soloing Queen based on this argument alone.

Powerscaling Might Actually Matter?
Here I take my L. I've long been an advocate that narrative trumps powerscaling, and characters will become as strong as Oda needs them to be for the narrative. Well, I took a big fat L here:
  • Carrot was not strong enough to defeat Perospero and so she lost.
    • Someone that's actually strong enough (Nekomamushi) is facing Perospero instead.
  • Usopp was not strong enough to defeat Pay Pay and so Linlin defeated (or at least significantly nerfed) him.
  • Nami was not strong enough to defeat Ulti and so Linlin defeated (or at least significantly nerfed) her.

By his current showings, Sanji is not strong enough to defeat Queen even when wearing the Raid Suit.

Sanji's best showings with the Raid Suit is failing to even damage a Tobi Roppo:

And being able to withstand an attack from one:

Sanji has nothing suggesting he's actually strong enough to defeat Queen. Before I didn't think that matters because I thought the narrative trumps powerscaling, but now I think powerscaling matters.

As far as powerscaling goes, Sanji has an absolutely horrendous track record in the New World:
  • He teamed up with Jimbe to take down Wadatsumi
  • He was treated by fodder like Law at Punk Hazard
  • He was on the back foot against a Vergo that was massively holding back
    • He wasn't using his Bamboo (his main weapon)
    • He wasn't using hardening
    • He didn't appear to be using Rokushiki techniques (bar possibly Tekkai)
  • He was fodderised by Doflamingo
  • He defeats Sheepshead together with Brook
    • Even then, Sheepshead is a fodder headliner
  • He failed to defeat Judge
    • Or even be depicted as stronger than him
  • He was never demonstrated to be above all his siblings
    • At the end of WCI, Niji still had to save him and mocked him for being way too slow.
  • He did not defeat any of the Charlotte siblings in WCI
  • He failed to defeat Page One even with his Raid Suit power-up
    • Page One has been portrayed as the weakest of the Tobi Roppo

Sanji's last solo victory against a significant opponent of note was pretimeskip. His combat ability presentation today has not been good. If powerscaling actually matters — if the narrative does not trump it — then I have no reason to believe that Sanji is strong enough to defeat Queen.

Viability of a Solo Matchup
Leaving aside the narrative and powerscaling counterarguments, I'm not sure the story actually allows Sanji to have a solo battle against any of the Calamities.

On the Alliance's side, we'll have:
  • Zoro
  • Marco
  • Sanji
  • Nekomamushi
  • Drake
  • Hyougoro
  • Kawamatsu
  • Izo
  • Chopper
  • The Yakuza Bosses

On the Beast Pirates side, we'll have:
  • King
  • Queen
  • Perospero
  • Apoo
    • He might defect or even go solo

I'll try and present the best-case scenario for Sanji:

  • Hyougoro and the Yakuza bosses deal with fodder or recover.
    • They don't fight anyone of note.
  • Nekomamushi fights Perospero
  • Chopper treats Zoro
  • Drake fights Apoo
  • Marco (or Zoro + Izo) deal with King

This still leaves at least Sanji and Kawamatsu to take on Queen.

And honestly speaking, I don't expect this to be how it shakes out. For entirely separate reasons, I doubt Zoro — even a brutally injured Zoro — would tag-team a swordsman with another one. FIghting despite injuries that would cripple anyone else is his entire shtick.

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

Exhibit C:

There may be others, but this isn't supposed to be a Zoro thread, so I'll stop here for now.

I also don't think Drake will fight Apoo. Queen backstabbing and discarding Apoo was really highlighted, and I got the impression that Apoo was reconsidering his entire allegiance to the Beast Pirates:

So I'm actually expecting Sanji to face Queen alongside some combination of (Drake, Kawamatsu and Izo).

Perhaps I'm wrong on Zoro and he'll face King with backup from Izo, and I'm wrong on Apoo and he'll face Drake, but that still leaves Kawamatsu unaccounted for. Ultimately, I don't think there's a viable configuration of matchups on the Live Floor that permits Sanji to defeat Queen solo.

I expect Sanji to land the last hit, and maybe his support would be defeated along the way and the match would end in a 1 vs 1. I can see a Doflamingo vs Luffy and Law situation being plausible. That still isn't a solo match though.

At this point, I do not foresee the story following developments that would permit Sanji to defeat Queen solo.

To summarise what I've said above:
  • The sort of narrative arguments that predict Sanji soloing a Calamity have a terrible track record
  • Oda seems to actually give a damn about powerscaling
  • Sanji's powerscaling portrayal does not suggest that he can handle a Calamity
  • I don't think there's a viable configuration of matchups on the Live Floor that would permit Sanji a solo battle vs a Calamity.
Imo taking down Pacifista together with Zoro was the start of Post-TS Sanji being portrayed not far below Zoro.

Him taking down Wadatsumi together with Jimbei with each damaging Wadatsumi with casual attack, suggesting him not far in powerlevel from Jimbei, an ex-Shichibukai who can push BM from the ship or block her attack.

Him blitzing Oven with unseen speed and evading Katakuri's FS attack is a good reaction feat. Moreover, he did those feat in damaged psychological condition due to family matters etc.

If you're truly want to analyze Sanji's powerlevel, i suggest for you to breakdown his good feats as well as his bad feats. If you're only choosing his bad feats, there are also bad feats for many fighters including Zoro and Luffy. But in decisive battle, I believe Sanji can defeat a Calamity solo, for example Queen or Jack. Be it with haki blooming or not, Raid Suit or not.


Kitetsu Wanker
Imo taking down Pacifista together with Zoro was the start of Post-TS Sanji being portrayed not far below Zoro.
I think Sanji is closer to Luffy than he is to Zoro.
The portrayal of them attacking Big Mom to save Reiju...
Their combat style is equally as effective - not so much.

Luffy pulled ahead a bit due to advCoA/CoC but Sanjino didnt throw the towel yet.
Comparing anyone to Zoro, not just Sanji, is just unfair.
They don't stand a chance against Zoro.


Zoro Worshipper
Sanji only helped the SHs in taking down the Pacifista, this doesn't implicate he performed equally good at all. This reminds me of Sanji and Luffy clashing against Meme, there is no evidence Sanji had performed equally good, of course good enough not to destroy himself in the impact, that's the evidence we definitely possess.
And? Law couldn’t defeat Doflamingo and now he’s injuring and reacting to Kaido. Zoro was struggling against Denshiro earlier and then performed well against Kaido. Yamato couldn’t even put down Ulti after an off-guard attack and she’s probably going to be injuring Kaido. Luffy has learner advanced CotC out of nowhere and after his latest ass kicking, is probably going to learn another power up. Kidd is also probably about to injure Big Mom.

So saying “Sanji couldn’t defeat Page 1” in an arc where Oda keeps giving every good guy a power up doesn’t make any sense. Sanji will defeat Queen on his own regardless of his previous performance against Page One.
Zoro fought equally with Denjiro with only his two weakest Swords. And then got a massive AP Boost and hadn't used Ashura yet.

And tell me, who else One shot a Zoan Vet who has highlighted Durability in their most durable Form while being in Base? Ulti got up because of Zoan Recovery being a big deal. Even then she took far longer than Page One to wake up despite the fact that Page One got hit in a critical area meaning that Yamato's human form is beyond Gear 3 AP wise

One of the main fighters of the crew, for now the 3rd strongest (until Yamato bumps him down:catblush:). Also because he hasn't won a 1 v 1 against a competent opponent since like preskip. Perfect time now to grow, in a war against the Yonko and to establish himself in the NW. The fight could start off in 2v1 because he's hurt but I expect him to deal atleast 90% of the damage.
Imo he will get Queen. On one side we have Zoro who is shining and basically showed something that put him above any version of Luffy pre 1010 so to make at least his "rivalry" with Zoro a bigger joke to what already is the bare minimum is to make him defeat Queen. There are also some small hints at this fight like Queen saying "Judge's son" and I guess there are few others around. Also while Sanji is part of the M3 he didn't even get a proper fight in "his year", his last "big" match is what? Wadatsumi handicap match with Jinbe? Then he was used as an hype tool for Vergo then Doffy, in WCI he only get 2 good feats by dodging Kata's beam (which in the end is an attack for fodder but nonetheless he "surpassed" his FS) and the superfast kick on Oven. And so he is starving for a good match he deserves (and has) to get now.
Sanji soloing a calamity is not far fetched. Not because of powerscalling but because the character has to grow strengthwise and show the limit of RS.

For now, it seems that only a calamity can do that. Furthermore, Oda has established a link between Queen and Sanji would may lead for them to fight each other.
We've seen the limits of the RS back in WCI.

Oda also established a link between Apoo and Queen , Drake and Queen, Chopper and Queen


𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
And OBV more will come.
No new Number showed up for 30+ chapters.

I think it's either:
  • The other Numbers are not on Onigashima.
  • The other Numbers are simply not going to participate in the Live Floor battles.
If they were going to get involved, they've had 30+ chapters to do so.

You just dont want Sanji to fight someone solo
No, if I want anything, I want Sanji to defeat a Calamity solo.

I've said I'd rather Sanji solo King and Zoro remain on the Rooftop than Zoro facing King.

I just do not expect Sanji to defeat a Calamity solo. I am becoming sceptical it will happen for the reasons I described in the OP.
Let alone two?

Are the Sanji vs King and Queen people serious? Is this some elaborate shitpost I'm missing out on? Is this coping because Sanji hasn't defeated a significant combatant solo in the New World?

I'm pretty flabbergasted. Luffy defeating Linlin in WCI seemed to have more going for it than Sanji taking down both Calamities.

I don't actually hate Sanji and I'm annoyed at Sanji bashing. This is me being (perhaps brutally) honest.

As usual, I tag a lot of people for my posts. If you want to be removed from my tag lists, let me know. Likewise, if you want to be added.

Leaving aside Sanji taking down both Calamities, I'm not confident that Sanji will defeat any Calamity solo. I have been expecting Sanji to do this for a while, but I think it's time I reevaluate. There are three broad reasons I'm losing confidence in Sanji soloing a calamity:
  1. Increased scepticism of the meta-narrative
  2. Powerscaling might actually matter?
  3. Viability of a solo matchup given the events of the Live Floor

Increased Scepticism of the Meta Narrative
There's the traditional argument that Sanji will solo a Calamity (presumably Queen) because Queen feels the template of Sanji's traditional opponent:
  • He's a bit goofy.
  • Both love women (particularly Komurasaki)
  • He has a rivalry with Zoro's presumptive opponent (King).
  • He knows Sanji's father and addressed Sanji as "Judge's Son".
  • He mentioned the need to take down the Strawhats' strongest combatants.
  • He's the one that sent the Tobi Roppo after Sanji.

I agree that Queen is Sanji's presumptive opponent. However, recent events have undermined my confidence in Sanji defeating Queen solo.

  • Oda had Linlin defeat Usopp's presumptive opponent (Pay Pay).
  • Oda had Linlin defeat Nami's presumptive opponent (Ulti).
  • Oda had Carrot lose to her presumptive opponent (Perospero) and seems to have entirely discarded the opportunity for her to get vindicated in a rematch, instead of setting up someone else (Nekomamushi) to defeat them.

Meta/pattern-based arguments are looking less credible to me seeing as Oda appears to have consistently defied such patterns.

Nami vs Ulti in particular is very stark:

Nami had far more buildup with Ulti as her opponent than Sanji does with either of the Calamities:
  • Ulti defeated her already.
  • While Ulti was threatening her she declared that Luffy will not stop until he becomes Pirate King.
  • Ulti spent a while chasing her.
  • She struck down Ulti with her lightning (twice).
  • Ulti hurt Tama
  • She vowed that she will defeat Ulti.
  • She resolved herself to stop running and challenged Ulti head on.
And yet Nami doesn't get to defeat Ulti solo. Linlin took out Ulti. If Ulti recovers, she would likely be significantly weakened.

If Oda is willing to prevent Nami from taking down Ulti by herself despite the extensive build-up for Nami vs Ulti, then I don't think the superficial setup for Sanji vs Queen/King is sufficient to grant Sanji a solo victory.

The same argument that predicts Sanji soloing Queen also predicted:
  • Usopp soloing Page One
  • Nami soloing Ulti
  • Carrot defeating Perospero
  • Zoro never fighting Kaido
  • Zoro soloing King
    • In fairness, this might still happen.
This argument has a horrendous track record, so I'm pretty dubious of Sanji soloing Queen based on this argument alone.

Powerscaling Might Actually Matter?
Here I take my L. I've long been an advocate that narrative trumps powerscaling, and characters will become as strong as Oda needs them to be for the narrative. Well, I took a big fat L here:
  • Carrot was not strong enough to defeat Perospero and so she lost.
    • Someone that's actually strong enough (Nekomamushi) is facing Perospero instead.
  • Usopp was not strong enough to defeat Pay Pay and so Linlin defeated (or at least significantly nerfed) him.
  • Nami was not strong enough to defeat Ulti and so Linlin defeated (or at least significantly nerfed) her.

By his current showings, Sanji is not strong enough to defeat Queen even when wearing the Raid Suit.

Sanji's best showings with the Raid Suit is failing to even damage a Tobi Roppo:

And being able to withstand an attack from one:

Sanji has nothing suggesting he's actually strong enough to defeat Queen. Before I didn't think that matters because I thought the narrative trumps powerscaling, but now I think powerscaling matters.

As far as powerscaling goes, Sanji has an absolutely horrendous track record in the New World:
  • He teamed up with Jimbe to take down Wadatsumi
  • He was treated by fodder like Law at Punk Hazard
  • He was on the back foot against a Vergo that was massively holding back
    • He wasn't using his Bamboo (his main weapon)
    • He wasn't using hardening
    • He didn't appear to be using Rokushiki techniques (bar possibly Tekkai)
  • He was fodderised by Doflamingo
  • He defeats Sheepshead together with Brook
    • Even then, Sheepshead is a fodder headliner
  • He failed to defeat Judge
    • Or even be depicted as stronger than him
  • He was never demonstrated to be above all his siblings
    • At the end of WCI, Niji still had to save him and mocked him for being way too slow.
  • He did not defeat any of the Charlotte siblings in WCI
  • He failed to defeat Page One even with his Raid Suit power-up
    • Page One has been portrayed as the weakest of the Tobi Roppo

Sanji's last solo victory against a significant opponent of note was pretimeskip. His combat ability presentation today has not been good. If powerscaling actually matters — if the narrative does not trump it — then I have no reason to believe that Sanji is strong enough to defeat Queen.

Viability of a Solo Matchup
Leaving aside the narrative and powerscaling counterarguments, I'm not sure the story actually allows Sanji to have a solo battle against any of the Calamities.

On the Alliance's side, we'll have:
  • Zoro
  • Marco
  • Sanji
  • Nekomamushi
  • Drake
  • Hyougoro
  • Kawamatsu
  • Izo
  • Chopper
  • The Yakuza Bosses

On the Beast Pirates side, we'll have:
  • King
  • Queen
  • Perospero
  • Apoo
    • He might defect or even go solo

I'll try and present the best-case scenario for Sanji:

  • Hyougoro and the Yakuza bosses deal with fodder or recover.
    • They don't fight anyone of note.
  • Nekomamushi fights Perospero
  • Chopper treats Zoro
  • Drake fights Apoo
  • Marco (or Zoro + Izo) deal with King

This still leaves at least Sanji and Kawamatsu to take on Queen.

And honestly speaking, I don't expect this to be how it shakes out. For entirely separate reasons, I doubt Zoro — even a brutally injured Zoro — would tag-team a swordsman with another one. FIghting despite injuries that would cripple anyone else is his entire shtick.

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

Exhibit C:

There may be others, but this isn't supposed to be a Zoro thread, so I'll stop here for now.

I also don't think Drake will fight Apoo. Queen backstabbing and discarding Apoo was really highlighted, and I got the impression that Apoo was reconsidering his entire allegiance to the Beast Pirates:

So I'm actually expecting Sanji to face Queen alongside some combination of (Drake, Kawamatsu and Izo).

Perhaps I'm wrong on Zoro and he'll face King with backup from Izo, and I'm wrong on Apoo and he'll face Drake, but that still leaves Kawamatsu unaccounted for. Ultimately, I don't think there's a viable configuration of matchups on the Live Floor that permits Sanji to defeat Queen solo.

I expect Sanji to land the last hit, and maybe his support would be defeated along the way and the match would end in a 1 vs 1. I can see a Doflamingo vs Luffy and Law situation being plausible. That still isn't a solo match though.

At this point, I do not foresee the story following developments that would permit Sanji to defeat Queen solo.

To summarise what I've said above:
  • The sort of narrative arguments that predict Sanji soloing a Calamity have a terrible track record
  • Oda seems to actually give a damn about powerscaling
  • Sanji's powerscaling portrayal does not suggest that he can handle a Calamity
  • I don't think there's a viable configuration of matchups on the Live Floor that would permit Sanji a solo battle vs a Calamity.
Good thread. It is not surprising that some people claim he can solo a calamity. Because they are not scaling him based on feats but rather on Luffy's and Zoro's level.

I've always held the notion that Sanji is too weak to solo a calamity. His feats aren't there and his portrayal also far below.

If he was to solo calamity, Oda would've had him no diff/low diff Page One the moment he put on the RS. However, that was not the case. He couldn't even bruise Page One and even got overpowered and damaged.

Those who kept claiming that Oda does not care about powerlevels have been proven wrong over and over again. Same will happen when Sanji is shown to be not on Queen's level
What do people mean by solo?

It’s like Luffy and Kaido, Sanji will 1 vs 1 Queen, but Queen has also taken damage from a load of people beforehand. So far only Jinbei and Franky can really be said to be 100% soloing an opponent, we’ll see whether any Scabbards help those two out
Well you can say that for Sanji as well, as he let himself get beat up by a Flying Six without even using CoA to defend himself, and ran through an army of Headliners and Gifters, fighting them off to protect Luffy and then Zoro for a while.

If Sanji ends up fighting Queen and we get the title box saying Sanji vs Queen, then it's a 1 vs 1 fight.

As for this thread @Cinera i would not seriously entertain such a scenario as Sanji fighting both King and Queen at the same time. You probably just happened to run into one two of the very few who'd bring this up in a discussion. You'll have a hard time finding others siding with them.
He is taking on a calamity for sure.Sanji needs an 1 v 1 fight and no one other than a calamity can do it for him.The F6 are simply too weak for all-out Sanji.
Oda won't let Sanji fall that far behind Luffy and Zoro.
Did he manage to easily dispose of an F6 fighter?

So it comes back to other characters not actually Sanji's own feats and portrayal

Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
No new Number showed up for 30+ chapters.

I think it's either:
  • The other Numbers are not on Onigashima.
  • The other Numbers are simply not going to participate in the Live Floor battles.
If they were going to get involved, they've had 30+ chapters to do so.
The fact we got introduced to them means they will make an apperance. Oda wouldn't go his way to say there is 10 of em and then only show two. That's like him showing 2 Tobi Roppo and then calling it good

I just do not expect Sanji to defeat a Calamity solo. I am becoming sceptical it will happen for the reasons I described in the OP.
Sanji already showcased that he can hold his own against the likes of King and Queen. He neg diffed Page One, came out with no injuries what so ever while trashing Page One, only thing that saved Page One was his Zoan durability which was demonstrated to be pretty high up to the point Oda needed to resort to BM knocking out Page One since no one else capable was there to do it.

If Sanji and Page One continued i have 0 doubt Sanji would destroy Page One. Hell Sanji even knocked out Drake with 1 kick. And even with that you still have Sanji fighting Oven and Daifuku on equal footing.

And then you have Sanji facing King and matching his Zoan power in air while protecting Momo while also surviving "a pretty bad" attack with no injuries.

Sanji can deal with a calamity on his own with no help needed.


𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
I also think Nami vs Ulti has to happen. But Sanji needs a real fight as one of the strongest character of the crew.
And yet, Nami is not getting to defeat Ulti under her own power.

Because he is one of the main fighters in the crew, if Franky is soling Sasaki then Sanji has no business with anyone less than a calamity.
I think he will solo Queen.
I think Sanji will defeat Queen, my concern is if he'll do it alone.

Even I've become somewhat doubtful of Sanji soloing a calamity but that has nothing to do with power-scaling.
Powerscaling isn't my major reason, but it is a concern.

Power-scaling didn't matter when he fought an apparently much superior opponent like Jabra. Carrot and Wanda aren't main characters like Sanji so that's irrelevant.
But Nami is and she doesn't get to defeat Ulti under her own power despite a much stronger case to defeat Ulti than Sanji has for Queen.
  • Ulti defeated her already.
  • While Ulti was threatening her she declared that Luffy will not stop until he becomes Pirate King.
  • Ulti spent a while chasing her.
  • She struck down Ulti with her lightning (twice).
  • Ulti hurt Tama
  • She vowed that she will defeat Ulti.
  • She resolved herself to stop running and challenged Ulti head on.
There's no hint towards that:
  • Nekomamushi is facing Perospero
  • Inuarashi is facing Jack
  • Kinemon is going to be protecting Momonosuke
  • Kiku is going to defeat Kanjuro
  • Raizo if facing Orochi's head ninja
  • Denjiro may have gone to meet up with Hiyori
  • Shutenmaru was taking out by Kanjuro's bombs.
None of the other Scabbards are facing Numbers, so I don't think Izo or Kawamatsu will either.

Sure, but what about Nami and Usopp? They are not soloing their respective opponents.

Doesn't this argument also apply to Nami and Usopp?

Nami had far more buildup with Ulti as her opponent:
  • Ulti defeated her already
  • While Ulti was threatening her she declared that Luffy will not stop until he becomes Pirate King
  • Ulti spent a while chasing her
  • She struck down Ulti with her lightning (twice)
  • Ulti hurt Tama
  • She vowed that she will defeat Ulti
  • She resolved her self to stop running and challenged Ulti head on
And yet Nami doesn't get to defeat Ulti solo. Linlin took out Ulti. If Ulti recovers, she would likely be weakened.

If Oda is willing to prevent Nami from taking down Ulti by herself despite the extensive build-up for Nami vs Ulti, then I don't think the superficial setup for Sanji vs Queen/King is sufficient to grant Sanji a solo victory.
Nami and Usopp will solo their opponents eventually... this round actually will end up in alliance defeat... proof of that is Luffy is out.. and Zoro is out... and I actually think some others will lose too... and it’s very likely whatever is left from SHs during that round will work on retreating and saving whoever lost... in order to have a counterattack round in act 4 or 5...
Regardless... Big Mom being the one to take out Pageone and Ulti is only telling e this is what’s gonna happen

there is Zero percent chance that Ulti and Pageone are done.. you know what Zero is?

Oda did not build up the tension between Ulti/Pageone vs Nami/Usopp to actually make someone else beat them for them...

Not a single person/reader will accept that this was Nami and Usopp arc fight..

so yeah, the same way it applies to Sanji with calamity.. it will apply for the rest of the crew...

It might be actually likely too that Jinbe will NOT lose against Who’s who cause I see a better match for Jinbe against another Fishman like Jack... so, Oda might just use that fight to reveal more about Who’s who

don’t forget the plot of Who’s who and Tobi Roppo will eventually have a clash for a calamity seat...

This round is Doomed! I’m almost 100% sure now... so whatever is happening in matches right now is not telling us how it will fold out eventually...

Oda in this round only showcased clearly how Nami/Usopp fare against Pageone/Ulti for them to actually get stronger between this round and the next round in act 4 or 5

So.. eventually they all will solo... including Sanji vs Calamity.. and Jinbe too vs Calamity be it a continuation with Who’s who who will replace a calamity or with Jack as new opponent
Did he manage to easily dispose of an F6 fighter?

So it comes back to other characters not actually Sanji's own feats and portrayal
I mean Sanji used one base kick with the RS on Page One and Page was like "fuck it i need Hybrid".

He only kicked P1 two times in the manga with the RS, and the second time Page One's screams could be heard through out the whole capital.

That was prior to the Onigashima Raid, in the earlier acts, where the SH's usually are held back as well.

As a reference we have a Luffy that does further training for two more weeks, has the chance to fight Ulti and Page One in the Onigashima Raid, and can't even dislocate Page One's Jaw with a G3 attack that lands cleanly, and against Ulti he thinks he needs G4.

Sanji's clear to fight Queen if he starts to properly use the RS combined with his DJ/HM + Hardening, let alone thinking of potential power ups.
I mean Sanji used one base kick with the RS on Page One and Page was like "fuck it i need Hybrid".

He only kicked P1 two times in the manga with the RS, and the second time Page One's screams could be heard through out the whole capital.

That was prior to the Onigashima Raid, in the earlier arcs, where the SH's usually are held back as well.

As a reference we have a Luffy that does further training for two more weeks, has the chance to fight Ulti and Page One in the Onigashima Raid, and can't even dislocate Page One's Jaw with a G3 attack than lands cleanly, and against Ulti he thinks he needs G4.

Sanji's clear to fight Queen if he starts to properly use the RS combined with his DJ/HM + Hardening, let alone thinking of potential power ups.
He emphasised the invisibility as what what peaked his interest, not any perceived damage because there was non

That's an exaggeration , his scream wasn't heard all over the town.
P1 hit Sanji once and Sanji took damage.

Exactly we actually see Luffy training.
The G3 Luffy used on P1 was different tgan the one used on Kaido.
Yes he needs G4 to get out of Ulti's grip...nothing contradicts that.

My point has always been about him soloing a Calamity.