Also, I doubt Momonosuke is Uranus, but rather he possesses the ability to control Uranus. Makes better sense from a narrative standpoint rather than him being a copy of Poseidon. If Wano itself is a massive Country sized Turtle, then it's possible the Country of Wano is Uranus.
This would be really cool, I've seen a theory that Vivi might be able to control/pilot Pluton somehow too. Zunisha felt like it could be Uranus but if Wano turns out to be a gigantic island turtle as in mythology, which Momo can even command, that would be AMAZING!
I've felt the map of Wano, the land looks like the scales on a turtle's shell too!
I was left flabbergasted by Kin'emon intensity. The way he wished to avenge Kiku close to her fate was sensational.
Oh yeah absolutely, him and Kiku have a great relationship, its no wonder Kiku idolises him so much! Kinemon is a real one too, he is a great man and he has been getting better as a character during Wano especially Onigashima! I saw mad potential for him back at Punk Hazard when he snapped and showed his hatred of dragons and now I see why ofc!
When behaded Kanjuro back during the traitor reveal scene, that was such a poignant, raw, powerful and brutal moment. The fact he did it immediately too with such ferocity and no hesitation really says a lot about him too imo! You could really feel his hurt, the betrayal and the anger! Similar to this moment in fact ofc!
Not until everyone buys Yamato figues which will never happen
Ahahaha oh man, that's true! Those are gonna SELL like hot cakes for real though! I can see the obsessions starting, especially once Yamato debuts in the anime too. People are gonna be so horny for Yamato lol.

It would have been better if Raizo was killed instead of Kiku. We as readers have met Raizo sometime before and we may have some emotional connection to him. Him being killed by his close friend plus our slight emotional connection to Raizo may have worked better imo instead of Kiku.
Raizo's design is boring as well lol
But Oda may have decided Kiku's death from the very beginning...Her epithet matches perfectly for the rise of dawn. Lingering snow melts away as dawn rises is kind of perfect
Honestly, I completely agree. I really do not like Raizo, I hate his design and his character is boring to me. His best moments are the Raizo is safe twist which isn't even his own doing ofc and his scroll BS power moment on Kaido, which led to a hilarious meme at least though! ("Somebody help, Raizo is squeezing me to death!" LMAO)
Raizo could have had a badass, poignant death potentially and Shinobu could have ended up succeeding and even avenging him (Lol Shinobu

:laughmoji:) but seriously, it would be a bitterly tragic and ironic throwback to the whole Raizo is safe thing if Raizo ended up dying instead later on. Especially if it's giving his life to protect the Dukes/Minks or Momonosuke.

I still don't understand why Jack went through all that effort to hunt down Raizo but not literally 2 other Scabbards right in front of him, Inu and Neko?
1018 is our last bet
Hopefully you are right, I am so sick of Act 3 still going on and the dragged out pacing. I need an outside Wano chapter again STAT! Especially all the blue balling Oda gave us the last time we were outside of Wano during these intermission chapters!

If Zoro finds out Kiku is dead, he will go rampage mode as before.
Oh yes very true! He was very upset and angry about Kiku's arm so this makes a lot of sense! Zoro Kissing Kiku intensifies lmao

So Momo confirmed not born with CoC since he let Kinemon die. This a plothole if he turns out having it.
Yeah, I thought his moment on the cross with Kaido forcing him to declare his name could lead to a CoC moment but it didn't. This moment would have been perfect for it too but alas, sadly not still. The son of Oden having no CoC so far and yet is meant to be succeeding and avenging his father is disappointing for me.
But at least he can communite with Zunisha and potentially other beings too, I do think Zunisha is gonna come back into play somehow and may even die as a truly ultimate final stand, either now at Wano or by EOS. But I think it might end up helping to stop Onigashima falling or and taking on Kaido himself even. I would like to see how Kaido compares to Zunisha considering how easily it bodied Jack and his ships too ofc! I'm not sure how dragon form Kaido compares in scale to it but it could be pretty interesting to see how he fares?
Kiku of the 100 caps.
I really hope you're right. Given this Oda and his reluctance to kill most characters. it should be true either way. He already had Kiku losing an arm too so this really is overkill. People and other beings in OP have survived far worse too ofc, including that damn mountain boar god too! Literally survived being sliced entirely in half, WTF!?