Is Pan D. A Man Moe?

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Pepebusi Spammer







Nothing really new except, Luffy is the voice Momo hears. He says to him 'Tell everyone, I'll definitely defeat Kaidou'

The ones who save Luffy are Law's crew.

And Law and Kidd makes a temporary alliance

Q: 錦えもんと菊はどうなった?

What happened to Kin and Kiku?

A: キンエモンは生きてて戦おうとするも影のカットで武士らしく死ねと腹さされた

Kin is alive and tries to fight but with a cut from a shadow(? dunno what he means) he's stabbed in the abdomen while someone tells him to die as a warrior.

Q: キッドの会話をいなして一時同盟はパシフィスタ戦を思い出すな

The Kidd part of forming a temporary alliacne reminded him to the fight against the pacifista.

A: 長いこといると(ルフィのこと)信じてみたくなるの様な発言しながら登場するし影響はだいぶ受けてる

Seems like he says something about that after being with him(Luffy) for a long time he likely wants to believe in him.
Kinemon didn't dead??


Kitetsu Wanker
Lmao, Akainu took an unguarded Island splitting quake blast from Whitebeard to the ribs, and didn't break a single bone. You have no clue what a true Top Tier is, because your powerscaling is so shit, you think Zoro is one. :milaugh:
Muh Captain and muh MC people shouldn't talk about power scaling. :myman:
Tell me, did Oda made you feel secure that ZKK wont happen because he put Zoro into a bad shape? :yasu:
Nothing really new except, Luffy is the voice Momo hears. He says to him 'Tell everyone, I'll definitely defeat Kaidou'

Man you better come up with a new technique or some shit. Gear 4 + Advanced CoC or something.


𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
@Cinera But I still don't understand why you've kept her base form above Jack.
I don't think Jack can:
  • Oneshot Full Zoan Ulti
  • Oneshot a Number (Kong Gun level AP)
  • Stalemate G2/G3 Luffy in CQC while bearing no malicious intent and not fighting back at all, forcing Luffy to give up fighting.

Alternatively, which stats do you think all out Jack has above Base Yamato.

Yamato seem to be reluctant to use her DF, especially compared to other Zoan users. It could be a plot point in the future.

Zoan Awakening could be a power-up for a future arc.
The DF reluctancy maybe Oda saving her for her big reveal. But Zoan Awakening as a power up for Yamato in the future will be cool.

Nerfed Zoro neg diffs King. Don't ever disrespect the Grandmaster again!!!:beckmoji:
I didn't say I think King can push Zoro to very high difficulty. I said that I disagree with that claim.

I think that a very injured Zoro can defeat King.

AL sama

Red Haired
she was cuffed in seastone the whole time, so I dont think her df efficiency is awesome
If all three calamity have it, I can see Yamato having it too. But probably she not have it for two reasons.

She was cuffed witj seastones over so many many years, with means she couldn't train her devilfruit. That is a major point with let me believe that she didn't could awake her df duo the problem with the seastones, as compensation for not able to train her devilfruit she rather train her haki, having even adv Coc like @Cinera pointed it out.

Second reason, if she really becaming a strawhat,I doubt she already get all massive powerups. With means during travelling with Luffy, she learn awakening and becaming stronger. Storywise and powerlvlwise it make more sense if she awake it later together with sailing with the strawhats rather to have it already.
I m well aware of these points myself but its just my hunch
Muh Captain and mih MC people should talk about power scaling. :myman:
Tell me, did Oda made you feel secure that ZKK wont happen because he put Zoro into a bad shape? :yasu:
I've been secure that ZKK won't happen since day one, because Zoro doesn't have what it takes to Kill Kaido. Don't worry though, Marco is softening up King for him, so when he gets healed, he'll stand a chance. :cheers:
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