Is Pan D. A Man Moe?

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Kyros is a good character...his love story with scarlet is good...senor pink flashback is hard hitting.....Luffy and Sabo reunion.....Rebecca is good until she became cry baby in the flower field....tontattas are the biggest negative of the arc....they are what scabbards to this arc....
I am not saying they were bad characters, what I am saying is there wasn't much of an emotional connection to the reader and it was deliberate. The true protagonist of the dressrosa saga was Law, Oda wasn't going to introduce another storyline that would overshadow his
Kidd is gonna be one of the most important characters going foward.

he has multiple plot lines including the biggest with shanks. He’s not going anywhere. Oda wouldn’t set him up for years to just die in wano. He’s gonna be the main player behind big moms defeat.
Not only that but jinbe has a higher chance of dying then Kidd
idk. maybe? some people i understand why they wouldnt like it because reading an arc this big week to week (with delays) is super hard to keep track of everything and if you dont go back and re-read it feels like stuff is just happening sometimes. but im a crazy person who reads everything like 6 times at least so i think its really good.
Exactly... you must be dedicated enough to the chapters to gauge something for certain and ascertain things that you have under-evaluated through you lack of comprehension.. and ofc you must try and reciprocate with it to fully grasp the idea and the picture being painted on the thematic canvas..

i feel like rewatching wano all over to grasp it well.. not that but the entirety of onepiece and naruto to resurface things and stumble upon details that would add more meaning to and already well established premise and story...

those small details make alot of difference

like who would have thought kanjuro would be such a great character with the final sentence he left behind.
No, but because no one chapter AOT ending can possibly tie up everything in a way that’s cohesive, doesn’t abandon any plot lines, and addresses all the themes in the story. Isayama failed, and this ending fails, albeit less so. The dialogue is also like objectively terrible imo.
idk what to say if you think the anr ending doesnt address all the themes. in 20 pages the whole worm and ymir situation was cleared way better compared to the canon, and we will have 100 pages more.

but hey, whatever. ill go enjoy fan ending.


Kitetsu Wanker
Kidd is gonna be one of the most important characters going foward.

he has multiple plot lines including the biggest with shanks. He’s not going anywhere. Oda wouldn’t set him up for years to just die in wano. He’s gonna be the main player behind big moms defeat.
Be careful, you know how Sanji did you dirty, dont allow Midd to do the same. Btw Sanji is more relevant character and still...
How about don’t even put Luffy in that situation? Why even have Kaido send Luffy in the sea if All it takes is law crew and Luffy being just fine. It is yet the THIRD fing time Luffy being knocked by Kaido and not suffering any consequences. Like I said Oda is runnning in circles. It’s clear as day that Oda has no idea what he is doing which is why Wano is over 100 chapters and three years long .
Yeah I also like that scenario....also, Luffy KOed by Crocodile without any consequences (second round) need not to have consequences all the time......probably Oda wants to show how Luffy defeat will affect the alliance and Luffy response through momo....anyways, there is still a lot can happen before Luffy facing Kaido again.....
Why Wano is good ? Im bored to see lots of useless point at Wano arc. Oda just achieved about just Zoro. The rest of them fully disappointed things. Everybody hypes for Yamato. Why Oda meet wıth Yamato wıth us ? What is point ? intead of creating new character for hype, oda should firstly think main character details.
- whole crew is together again and having fun interactions
- whole crew is getting stronger and powering up for new world
- whole crew is getting cool moments to shine in battles or to show skills
- samurai and ninjas are badass
- dragons are badass
- enemy crew is loaded with fodder like in fishman island so even the weak straw hats and allies get to clean house a little, but they also have real heavy hitters for real fights unlike fmi
- a lot of plot moving forward and the storyline feels like its finally moving to "get the one piece", because all the main players involved have poneglyphs and are almost in reach of the final island
- yonko are finally in play and look like monsters (idgaf what anybody says, kaido and big mom are the scariest most beastly villains in one piece yet, by far)
- fight scenes that are getting set up are all looking cool. im disappointed its only been one attack here and there before cutting away, but its like a pro wrestling build. the long fight scenes are all coming and they seem like they're going to be badass
- i like momos character progression from retarded whiny useless kid to actually someone who seems respectable and proud of his family and country
I thought dressrosa or WCI was the worst arc but nope Wano by far is the worst arc in One Piece. I’ve never seen an author run around in circles as much as this. Oda clearly has no idea how to defeat Kaido. Clearly has no idea of how to set all these characters. Oda needs to retire and let someone else finish one piece because this is just awful.
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