Is Pan D. A Man Moe?

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Not really, that came very late into the conflict. The emotional backbone was the tragedy of Kyros, the Riku family and the people who got turned into toys.
Corazon was more personally between Law and Doffy himself.
nobody truly cared until Law and Corazon's story was revealed. Just look at how popular Corazon is
Not really, that came very late into the conflict. The emotional backbone was the tragedy of Kyros, the Riku family and the people who got turned into toys.
Corazon was more personally between Law and Doffy himself.
And I would argue that, even discounting the Corazon flashback (which I think is silly because by definition flashbacks are meant to form connections with characters), what we got was still superior to the scabbards. Oda really goofed with them imo.
okay.....forget Oda, how will you write a scenario that Luffy gets saved won't be a "bad writing" or you just simply kill him?
How about don’t even put Luffy in that situation? Why even have Kaido send Luffy in the sea if All it takes is law crew and Luffy being just fine. It is yet the THIRD fing time Luffy being knocked by Kaido and not suffering any consequences. Like I said Oda is runnning in circles. It’s clear as day that Oda has no idea what he is doing which is why Wano is over 100 chapters and three years long .


Kitetsu Wanker
Thank god your not writing the story. Killing Kidd has to be the dumbest idea I ever heard. Also killing a kid like otama?
Killing Kidd is actually plausible since he is Luffy without plot armor and we all know Luffy would have died hundreds of times without it. Oda needs to shield Luffy but he doesnt need to shield Kidd since in the grand scheme, he is not relevant.
Considering that Oda rarely kills people, Midd might just be safe but we never know when Oda's inner GRRM will awaken.
or we are just that dismissive and unappreciative
idk. maybe? some people i understand why they wouldnt like it because reading an arc this big week to week (with delays) is super hard to keep track of everything and if you dont go back and re-read it feels like stuff is just happening sometimes. but im a crazy person who reads everything like 6 times at least so i think its really good.
do you think its not ideal because its supports genocide?
No, but because no one chapter AOT ending can possibly tie up everything in a way that’s cohesive, doesn’t abandon any plot lines, and addresses all the themes in the story. Isayama failed, and this ending fails, albeit less so. The dialogue is also like objectively terrible imo.
That is something I truly dislike of this arc. If the scabbards were defeated let them be down. What's the point of them returning back like they did not fight a Yonko at all? There is no tension in those fights. I could understand Luffy get up after this loss with Kaido but still even Zoro should be down, and instead he will be up already like nothing happened.
The fact that the scrubbards even got an extended fight against Kaido in the first place was pushing it since we knew for a fact as well as they did that they were going to lose. So we just had to sit through chapter after chapter of that bullshit knowing the outcome already. And then to top it all off, when they finally get defeated, they were totally fine in like 2 or so chapters for us to suffer through more of them.
And if you think about it, only the "good guys" will get the medical treatement and get up after getting beaten while the "bad guys" won't have any of this. (apart from Jack). For example when King and Queen will be defeated they will not get up again like the good guys.
Unfortunately the "bad guys" do have medical treatment. How many times have Ulti or Page One been hit down? What about Kanjuro returning again or Orochi, or Jack? The characters just literally get up again and again and again, on both sides.

It's all so tedious and such a tremendous waste of time.
I guess arc being good or bad depends on your expections(not talking about high expectations or low expectations, I'm talking about content of wano)
I expected wano to be a major buildup for final arc both in SHs strength and buildup towards endgame, so I think flashback's contents were exact on point i.e. showing us the way to ultimate treasure than an emotional flashback, of course it was emotional but it was more focused on ultimate plots. it has matched my expectation about content so far and I love it.
on the other hand, you guys may have expected wano to be an complete arc with every aspects that makes arc awesome in itself.
I wouldnt mind having other aspects as well, in fact I would love it, but i also like wano as it is
nobody truly cared until Law and Corazon's story was revealed. Just look at how popular Corazon is
Kyros is a good character...his love story with scarlet is good...senor pink flashback is hard hitting.....Luffy and Sabo reunion.....Rebecca is good until she became cry baby in the flower field....tontattas are the biggest negative of the arc....they are what scabbards to this arc....
Kinemon surviving this raid is fine but purposely putting him in dangerous situations with a Yonko then having him make it out alive is unnecessary. I'm cool with him surviving, seeing his wife again and watching over Momo but the guy should be severely deformed after that brutal club hit that straight-up busted through his swords like nothing. Maybe Kin will die but I'll wait for confirmation. Hopefully Kanjuro stays dead for good and considering his farewell words to Kinemon, I think it's over for him. Still not sure about Kiku and Ashura but I wouldn't mind Doji dying.
Killing Kidd is actually plausible since he is Luffy without plot armor and we all know Luffy would have died hundreds of times without it. Oda needs to shield Luffy but he doesnt need to shield Kidd since in the grand scheme, he is not relevant.
Considering that Oda rarely kills people, Midd might just be safe but we never know when Oda's inner GRRM will awaken.
Kidd is gonna be one of the most important characters going foward.

he has multiple plot lines including the biggest with shanks. He’s not going anywhere. Oda wouldn’t set him up for years to just die in wano. He’s gonna be the main player behind big moms defeat.
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