His offense is so bad that, if we scale him based on that, he doesnt deserve to be even a veteran.
Only his portrayal keeps him in the YC tier, nothing else
How so lol?
Back then this was also a popular opinion, because people took "Full body diamond Form" Jozu in a hypothetical scenario defending against Doffy's arsenal as the obviously most fitting depiction of a Commander handling his attacks, even though full diamond Jozu has like the toughest defense by a mile.. Which is and was the biggest bullcrap.
None of them until now, besides Katakuri, who is a CoO specialist, Chinjao, Luffy and Doffy himself, showed any signs of being able to use CoA in time for covering randomly attacked parts of their body.
You even got Jack getting blitzed by fatso Ashura Douji and yet Doflamingo can't fuck most of them up with 10meters thick billow whites or 20+ arrow like strings he spams at great range, speed and from different ankles at them.
Stuff Luffy only could deal with, because he's one of those, who's actually able to use CoA on his body in order to defend against such attacks and because with G4 he has the mobility most of them dream off.
Additionally all those bigger strings operate on a power level far above G3 and partially even on the level or above G4. Off white just blocked a double Culverin from Boundman.
Freakin break white is like two buildings merging into one, crushing the one who gets caught.
No Commander bar Kuri up until now comes even near similar feats. And that's not my headcanon, those are his feats.
And then you also have his final attack: God thread.
You and others act as if anyone could just slap that aside, when Doffy went for it, even though he already knew, Luffy had stuff like Leo Bazooka in his arsenal.
Nik seriously, you are super ignorant on that matter, no front.