Yeah I definitely can't blame anyone for forgetting her, Oda has made her so irrelevant despite what's going on with her brother and him getting beaten and almost killed now. Oda seems to have forgotten her too? The Ame No Habakiri has been completely forgotten by him too?
He teased us with that silhouette of that person healing the Scabbards too though, which could have been her or Toki going by the shape of it but it definitely doesn't seem to be Toki after seeing her die in teh anime especially.
But if it was Hiyori too, where did she go and why has she disappeared and remained completely irrelevant, uninvolved and in hiding? It just doesn't make any sense...

It's also kinda funny that I'm talking to you and at the same time I'm playing as the actual god Mars in Dota 2 right now:

Makes me wonder if Oda could have based Kaido on Ares/Mars with them being the Gods of War? Kratos too maybe? With Big Mom having Zeus and giving Kaido his DF, it feels even more fitting somehow?
