Then name them Mr. Baldy Chubby. "LOL, which 10 of the current known CoC users at their prime you think can be in a pirate crew together that will actually work?"
2- WB (just like he followed Xebec, also true right hand instead of weakass Zoro) also showed respect towards Luffy.
2- Oden (Followed WB and can be great friends with Luffy)
3- Zoro (Luffy’s current lapdog)
4- Rayleigh (He likes Luffy and he can work under someone)
5- Yamato (Wants to join Luffy)
6- Hancock (In love with Luffy)
7- Ace (Not only he will protect his brother, but he loves WB/Yamato and was good with Zoro and rest of crew)
8- Chinjao (His fleet is under Luffy now)
9- Katakuri (Respects Luffy too much
10- Shanks (he can work under someone like he did with Roger, and he likes Luffy, so why not)
Those are 10 names, you don’t have to agree... but all 10 can be buddies together in same crew without being stupidly evil to each other...
Also, I avoided Roger cause Ace hates Roger... also Roger never worked under someone... the 10 are carefully selected and all can work for Luffy if given the chance
2- WB (just like he followed Xebec, also true right hand instead of weakass Zoro) also showed respect towards Luffy.
2- Oden (Followed WB and can be great friends with Luffy)
3- Zoro (Luffy’s current lapdog)
4- Rayleigh (He likes Luffy and he can work under someone)
5- Yamato (Wants to join Luffy)
6- Hancock (In love with Luffy)
7- Ace (Not only he will protect his brother, but he loves WB/Yamato and was good with Zoro and rest of crew)
8- Chinjao (His fleet is under Luffy now)
9- Katakuri (Respects Luffy too much
10- Shanks (he can work under someone like he did with Roger, and he likes Luffy, so why not)
Those are 10 names, you don’t have to agree... but all 10 can be buddies together in same crew without being stupidly evil to each other...
Also, I avoided Roger cause Ace hates Roger... also Roger never worked under someone... the 10 are carefully selected and all can work for Luffy if given the chance
You really sound pathetic when you lose... you asked me 10 names who can work together without backstabbing each other.. and I gave it to you... the fact you still don’t want to admit defeat is pathetic...
Name me 1 single character of those 10 who will backstab Luffy... give me one name who will be working under Luffy only to then stab him in the back cause he wants to be the captain... name 1 of them... and if you did, you are going against their character...
You really sound pathetic when you lose... you asked me 10 names who can work together without backstabbing each other.. and I gave it to you... the fact you still don’t want to admit defeat is pathetic...
Name me 1 single character of those 10 who will backstab Luffy... give me one name who will be working under Luffy only to then stab him in the back cause he wants to be the captain... name 1 of them... and if you did, you are going agaibst their character...
Bullshit. You confirmed that he is bulkier yet his defense is weaker than jyubra? That's bullshit simply based on the fact that he naturally has more mass than jyubra. The only advantage jyubra tekkai had was the ability to use it while fighting. In no way was it ever stated to be more denser than kakus. In fact you answered my point of they both have tekkai of the same level then the one with the bigger body has more defense.
This automatically means Jyabura's defense is higher, because it means he can utilize his defense more often.
He can even use Tekkai to enhance his punches (which also means that the Doriki that he showed could theoretically be higher since he didn't use Tekkai on his fists when punching Fukurou. Just a thought though.)
Okay, but we can see that he has slowed down as he didn't use Geppo nearly as much except when he was trying to escape from Zolo's attack.
Not only that, but the nature of Kaku's hybrid form necessitates that he be slower to offset the increased range that comes with his strikes. Because he has more range, he doesn't need to close distance using shave & geppou.
This also explains why all of Kaku's strongest moves, such as the ones utilizing his neck and his Sky Slicer Rankyaku, are all ranged attacks that can be performed while stationary.
In essence, Kaku is long-ranged thus he doesn't need movement as much, compared to Jyabura who is short-ranged and thus needs greater movement to close distance.
Sihigan kills? Lol who has the cp9 kill with shigan? Lucci who specializes in it couldn't kill fluffy with it. Hence why he had to rely on ryokogun. Based on damaged AP along with area affect storm leg > shigan
That’s such a bad excuse! OMG!
I swear to god the amount of bias is blinding everyone here!
Moving and Dodging while still maintaining your tekkai allows you to absorb way more many attacks...
Lucci freaking took a step back to lessen and absorb a hit from Luffy in gear 2nd... he jumped back to lessen the power... if he was able to maintain Tekkai too he wouldn’t even get damaged!
Lucci and Kaku had a huuuuge weakness with this skill.. if you cannot actually comprehend how big of a weakness that was... You’re just being stubborn for the sake of agenda!
Lucci LITERALLY lost because of that skill weakness!
Luffy’s two strongest attacks that affected Lucci were:
- Gear 3rd
- Jet Gatling
If Lucci was able to MOVE and Dodge while maintaining Tekkai he wouldn’t have lost...
It’s a huuuuge weakness and Jyabura doesn’t have it... yet we’re still arguing
Lucci could use Tekkai Gou, wich is another specialty of Tekai that focuses on defense instead of being able to move and STILL, he was hurt.
Jabra skill was garbage, and completely useless when the characters AP where soo much higher than his defense. And it dosent change the fact that that Daz Bones had a much stronger defense than him.
The WG seems to agree with me as just one of the two was good enough to join the CP-0.
Hey... my list makes 100% sense!
Every name I gave belongs to someone who was willing to work for someone else before (meaning they are not obsessed to stay captain like Luffy)
And each name I gave is firmly connected to Luffy...
and each one of them is waaaay too good morally to backstab someone from behind... and many of the names mentioned already are buddies...
- Ace/WB
- Ace/Yamato
- WB/Oden
You’re only embarrassing yourself the more you argue with this
Hey... my list makes 100% sense!
Every name I gave belongs to someone who was willing to work for someone else before (meaning they are not obsessed to stay captain like Luffy)
And each name I gave is firmly connected to Luffy...
and each one of them is waaaay too good morally to backstab someone from behind... and many of the names mentioned already are buddies...
- Ace/WB
- Ace/Yamato
- WB/Oden
You’re only embarrassing yourself the more you argue with this
Post automatically merged:
Yeah Tekkai Gou... Jetto Bazookaaa by Luffy made it look garbage with Blueno hhhh
Notice that when I was referring to mass, I specified lankiness.
Yes, Kaku is more LANKY than Jyabura but in terms of actual body mass, as in their Torso?
Looks roughly the same to me buddy.
This automatically means Jyabura's defense is higher, because it means he can utilize his defense more often.
He can even use Tekkai to enhance his punches (which also means that the Doriki that he showed could theoretically be higher since he didn't use Tekkai on his fists when punching Fukurou. Just a thought though.)
Okay, but we can see that he has slowed down as he didn't use Geppo nearly as much except when he was trying to escape from Zolo's attack.
Not only that, but the nature of Kaku's hybrid form necessitates that he be slower to offset the increased range that comes with his strikes. Because he has more range, he doesn't need to close distance using shave & geppou.
This also explains why all of Kaku's strongest moves, such as the ones utilizing his neck and his Sky Slicer Rankyaku, are all ranged attacks that can be performed while stationary.
In essence, Kaku is long-ranged thus he doesn't need movement as much, compared to Jyabura who is short-ranged and thus needs greater movement to close distance.
I'll admit I was exaggerating since nobody actually dies, but what I meant was that Shigan has always been shown to be more lethal.
Examples being
Is it any coincidence that Shigan is consistently used as a finisher instead of Rankyaku?
Wait for EoS war when Shanks is only a back up to Luffy
Sorry but that’s his place... Shanks to Luffy EoS will be a supporting character
probably like the 5 kages in Naruto in final war... the Yonko will be the same... just your moderate avarage good fighter hhhh
Notice that when I was referring to mass, I specified lankiness.
Yes, Kaku is more LANKY than Jyabura but in terms of actual body mass, as in their Torso?
Looks roughly the same to me buddy.
This automatically means Jyabura's defense is higher, because it means he can utilize his defense more often.
He can even use Tekkai to enhance his punches (which also means that the Doriki that he showed could theoretically be higher since he didn't use Tekkai on his fists when punching Fukurou. Just a thought though.)
Okay, but we can see that he has slowed down as he didn't use Geppo nearly as much except when he was trying to escape from Zolo's attack.
Not only that, but the nature of Kaku's hybrid form necessitates that he be slower to offset the increased range that comes with his strikes. Because he has more range, he doesn't need to close distance using shave & geppou.
This also explains why all of Kaku's strongest moves, such as the ones utilizing his neck and his Sky Slicer Rankyaku, are all ranged attacks that can be performed while stationary.
In essence, Kaku is long-ranged thus he doesn't need movement as much, compared to Jyabura who is short-ranged and thus needs greater movement to close distance.
I'll admit I was exaggerating since nobody actually dies, but what I meant was that Shigan has always been shown to be more lethal.
Examples being
Is it any coincidence that Shigan is consistently used as a finisher instead of Rankyaku?
Now that was a good point with shigan being a finisher. However that was was the straw hats themselves didn't level up. The moment each of them did they were taking multitude of shigan.
And about the not using geppo more often that was due to him being longer and thus not having room . The moment a whole in the roof was made and he needed his swords he casually Skywalks to retrieve his swords.
And how does being able to use a defensive technique only because you are using a particular fighting style that you yourself confirmed is the only fighting style in which you can simultaneously use your defense while offensively attacking a sign of better defensive capabilities?
Also based on panels it does seem that kaku uses blades offensively. And to add the panel you showed again was when kaku had decreased his neck size and increased his arms and legs thus giving him more reach, speed and ferocity. Not to add that this makes his more versatile since he can literally immediate changes from speed and reach to immediately attack with his long neck increases its size mid fight. Added with the fact that he can also flex his body mass into a cube further increasing his defense while shooting down smaller versions of storm leg that actually bounce from the rough back down to the opponent. When it pertains to overall versatility jyubra doesnt even see kaku
Dude are you gonna answer the questions or not. This is boring just admit you are wrong or answer the questions it's simple. If you reply without answering the questions imma just take as you are wrong. Here we go if the sh's never fought again can zoro and luffy accomplish their dreams? Can the other sh's still accomplish their dreams?
For the last time, that doesn't matter, because that is not the issue at hand. The issue at hand is that they HAVE TO BE STRONG ENOUGH TO ACCOMPLISH THEIR DREAMS BECAUSE THAT IS HOW ODA DESIGNED IT.
Your hypothetical situation means nothing, and has no value as an argument whatsoever. BuT iF THey DiDN't HAvE to bE StRONg CouLD THeY StiLL ACComPLiSh TheiR DREaMs?
Even if they could, that's not how it's designed, or setup, or what the plot demands of them. If they aren't strong enough to be able to help Luffy accomplish his dream, then they can't accomplish theirs. Get that through your head.
How do you know they didn't want to kill? Maybe they thought that just a shigan + chuck across town was enough. They look pretty bloodlusted to me.
But let's just assume Kaku and Lucci wanted to let these 2 threats alive for whatever reason.
Let's swap "kill" with "finish off".
Both Kaku and Lucci, just like with Vergo towards the G5 and kid Lucci, used Shigan to finish opponents, not rankyaku because Shigan is more effecient at finishing off opponents.
For the last time, that doesn't matter, because that is not the issue at hand. The issue at hand is that they HAVE TO BE STRONG ENOUGH TO ACCOMPLISH THEIR DREAMS BECAUSE THAT IS HOW ODA DESIGNED IT.
Your hypothetical situation means nothing, and has no value as an argument whatsoever. BuT iF THey DiDN't HAvE to bE StRONg CouLD THeY StiLL ACComPLiSh TheiR DREaMs?
Even if they could, that's not how it's designed, or setup, or what the plot demands of them. If they aren't strong enough to be able to help Luffy accomplish his dream, then they can't accomplish theirs. Get that through your head.
For the last time, that doesn't matter, because that is not the issue at hand. The issue at hand is that they HAVE TO BE STRONG ENOUGH TO ACCOMPLISH THEIR DREAMS BECAUSE THAT IS HOW ODA DESIGNED IT.
Your hypothetical situation means nothing, and has no value as an argument whatsoever. BuT iF THey DiDN't HAvE to bE StRONg CouLD THeY StiLL ACComPLiSh TheiR DREaMs?
Even if they could, that's not how it's designed, or setup, or what the plot demands of them. If they aren't strong enough to be able to help Luffy accomplish his dream, then they can't accomplish theirs. Get that through your head.
How do you know they didn't want to kill? Maybe they thought that just a shigan + chuck across town was enough. They look pretty bloodlusted to me.
But let's just assume Kaku and Lucci wanted to let these 2 threats alive for whatever reason.
Let's swap "kill" with "finish off".
Both Kaku and Lucci, just like with Vergo towards the G5 and kid Lucci, used Shigan to finish opponents, not rankyaku because Shigan is more effecient at finishing off opponents.
That's actually still not true though. Vergo couldn't even finish off tashigi with shigan.
After zoro luffy and sanji leveled up in water 7 they were getting by a plethora of shigan and still wasn't enough to finish either of them off. Kaku had to end up relying on a powerful version of storm leg while lucci had to rely on ryokogun
Now that was a good point with shigan being a finisher. However that was was the straw hats themselves didn't level up. The moment each of them did they were taking multitude of shigan.
And about the not using geppo more often that was due to him being longer and thus not having room . The moment a whole in the roof was made and he needed his swords he casually Skywalks to retrieve his swords.
Yes but that was mostly to parry with Zolo. In terms of actual moves, it's his legs, neck and nose that comprise Kaku's arsenal and all of his strongest attacks.
In the fight there was only 1 time Zolo actually got hit by Kaku's swords, and even then it was alongside his legs.
Whereas Zolo gets hit far more often from Kaku's neck, nose and leg rankyakus.
Even Kaku's strongest move, the Sky Slicer, uses his legs and his neck only, not his swords.
His leg & neck use purely physical strength to mimic swords, as well as his nose which also uses just physical force.
Thus, the Doriki of 2200 given to Kaku was more-or-less accurate because the bulk of Kaku's arsenal requires his own physical strength. Adding in his swords wouldn't change this much whatsoever because he doesn't use his swords to attack so much as he uses them to defend/parry, compared to his legs/neck/nose to attack.
And to add the panel you showed again was when kaku had decreased his neck size and increased his arms and legs thus giving him more reach, speed and ferocity.
Yes, he can change form but then he loses the range advantage that his neck provided him. This also means his Rankyaku are weakened since he can no longer use his neck.
Not to add that this makes his more versatile since he can literally immediate changes from speed and reach to immediately attack with his long neck increases its size mid fight.
Sure but then he just becomes a worse version of Jyabura. He loses the extra range that his neck provided him, and is left with lankier arms and legs that make it harder to move around compared to Jyabura's, who's legs were more compressed and fit for geppo and movement.
The fact that Jyabura can spam Geppo in his hybrid form:
And the fact that Jyabura's strongest move utelizes Geppou...
Proves Jyabura's clear superiority to Kaku in movement, speed and geppo.
Added with the fact that he can also flex his body mass into a cube further increasing his defense while shooting down smaller versions of storm leg that actually bounce from the rough back down to the opponent. When it pertains to overall versatility jyubra doesnt even see kaku
Sure but in his cubed state, he can't move whatsoever and is completely immobilized. He's much more versatile than Jyabura but that doesn't really matter when that versatility comes at a disadvantage that doesn't really solve the issue that Kaku's DF presents.
And how does being able to use a defensive technique only because you are using a particular fighting style that you yourself confirmed is the only fighting style in which you can simultaneously use your defense while offensively attacking a sign of better defensive capabilities?
It demonstrates better defensive capabilities because it allows his durability to be used far more regularly, while removing the weakness of being immobilized while using Tekkai.
It's just like comparing a guy holding a shield v a guy in a suit of armor.
The guy holding a shield can only defend from strikes when his shield is up, meaning there is a window where he will not be able to defend.
The guy with the suit of armor, however, will always be able to defend thus your attacks have to deal more damage each time they strike if they want to get through the defense.
After zoro luffy and sanji leveled up in water 7 they were getting by a plethora of shigan and still wasn't enough to finish either of them off. Kaku had to end up relying on a powerful version of storm leg while lucci had to rely on ryokogun
Kaku had to rely on rankyaku because he specializes in rankyaku, meaning his storm leg is more powerful than his shigan (if he is even able to shigan with his giraffe hoofs)
Lucci had to rely on ryokugun because he specializes in ryokugan, meaning his ryokugan is more powerful than his shigan.
Jyabura had to rely on his shigan because he specializes in shigan, meaning his shigan is more powerful than his rankyaku.
But all 3 had to rely on Shigan to finish off opponents, not rankyaku.
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