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Elaborate, don’t just vote somebody up like that whitout saying anything about it.
well of course/ i have to agree with mr beta that you randomly asking three players for an opinion gave me a ping not only for its seemingly randomness but also because you wanted to focus on mechanics/ then you followed that up with some fluff that pinged me as well/ you then once again asked for flavor details making me feel like youre trying to give off the impression of being active and productive but actually not being so then some more fluff/


What could have been...
there r too many players

i havent played a 30+ game in awhiel forgot how this sht feels

there is just no way to get proper read on anyone unless they fk up badly, and half the players are gna be inactives so cant even get a read on them
there r too many players

i havent played a 30+ game in awhiel forgot how this sht feels

there is just no way to get proper read on anyone unless they fk up badly, and half the players are gna be inactives so cant even get a read on them
not loving this defeatist attitude you have since you had a lot of zest last game
hayumi looks worst
It Was weird the way she/he backed down when I gave a dull explanation about what she asked me. Didn’t have any kind of shit she/he just voted me for some reason.
well of course/ i have to agree with mr beta that you randomly asking three players for an opinion gave me a ping not only for its seemingly randomness but also because you wanted to focus on mechanics/ then you followed that up with some fluff that pinged me as well/ you then once again asked for flavor details making me feel like youre trying to give off the impression of being active and productive but actually not being so then some more fluff/
Noice, fair enough, but get used to it.
I know nothing about hololive and I will keep asking about flavor if I can’t find things on google till I am dead, idk about fluffing I think I am not overdoing it, it’s fine to me so it’s ok :feelsokeman:
It Was weird the way she/he backed down when I gave a dull explanation about what she asked me. Didn’t have any kind of shit she/he just voted me for some reason.

Noice, fair enough, but get used to it.
I know nothing about hololive and I will keep asking about flavor if I can’t find things on google till I am dead, idk about fluffing I think I am not overdoing it, it’s fine to me so it’s ok :feelsokeman:
i know nothing about hololive and probably will never but i like to focus on catching wolves because thats something that never changes from game to game mechanic stuff can come later if its really necessary
i know nothing about hololive and probably will never but i like to focus on catching wolves because thats something that never changes from game to game mechanic stuff can come later if its really necessary
I mean, that was the first few pages of the game in the first phase, what do you want me to ask them? There mom’s name? Their is either that or fluff till we find something useful to talk about, it was good what I did imo idc


What could have been...
It Was weird the way she/he backed down when I gave a dull explanation about what she asked me. Didn’t have any kind of shit she/he just voted me for some reason.

Noice, fair enough, but get used to it.
I know nothing about hololive and I will keep asking about flavor if I can’t find things on google till I am dead, idk about fluffing I think I am not overdoing it, it’s fine to me so it’s ok :feelsokeman:
yea throws shade at me but doesn't vote me

weird hesitant gameplay by hayumi

scum af imo
also some friendly advice in a game this big its going to be hard to tackle all the inactives/ we should work with what we got in the game and hope our comrades blast them away at night
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