General & Others Oda Doesn't Have a Power Scaling

What a cope thread. Just because you don't understand the One piece power structure doesn't mean that Oda doesn't have a power scaling.

There's been multiple people who have called character powerlevels accurately because they actually read the manga based on Oda's hints about powerlevel not blind hype.

If Oda didn't have a power scale, Nami and Ussop would've soloed Ulti and Page One
Yeah, because you know so much about Oda's power scaling.

Good thread. It is not surprising that some people claim he can solo a calamity. Because they are not scaling him based on feats but rather on Luffy's and Zoro's level.

I've always held the notion that Sanji is too weak to solo a calamity. His feats aren't there and his portrayal also far below.

If he was to solo calamity, Oda would've had him no diff/low diff Page One the moment he put on the RS. However, that was not the case. He couldn't even bruise Page One and even got overpowered and damaged.

Those who kept claiming that Oda does not care about powerlevels have been proven wrong over and over again. Same will happen when Sanji is shown to be not on Queen's level

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
Well seeing quite the number of people with different opinions of how the scaling works, proving the point lol.

Once again, Oda doesn't have a real power scaling. Feats alone are irrelevant as characters are as strong as the plot needs them to be and the weakest characters can run over the strongest ones.

Because of the vagueness and inconsistencies, people fill in the gaps with their own interpretations and assumptions and try to kill each other for not agreeing with their subjective takes lol
People's refusal to admit that they may have overwanked certain Characters in Whole Cake Island is a big reason to why people ended up being confused with how Wano played out
Seriously I mean just remember fucking "Oven vs Doflamingo".. I mean if that's what parts of the community really think at times, it comes to no surprise that some scales will be all over the place.
And like I said in my post, it's not like there aren't and always weren't parts of the community that talked against all the past bullcrap. Most recent example is the overhype of Kinemon and Killer in specific. A buncha chapters later fucking Hawkins gives him a "8% chance of winning"- prediction. Laughable at best, "bu- but his sonic move".
Seriously I mean just remember fucking "Oven vs Doflamingo".. I mean if that's what parts of the community really think at times, it comes to no surprise that some scales will be all over the place.
And like I said in my post, it's not like there aren't and always weren't parts of the community that talked against all the past bullcrap. Most recent example is the overhype of Kinemon and Killer in specific. A buncha chapters later fucking Hawkins gives him a "8% chance of winning"- prediction. Laughable at best, "bu- but his sonic move".
It all comes down to the fact that some just can't admit being wrong. They have to blame Oda for their scaling not being accurate.

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
Seriously I mean just remember fucking "Oven vs Doflamingo".. I mean if that's what parts of the community really think at times, it comes to no surprise that some scales will be all over the place.
And like I said in my post, it's not like there aren't and always weren't parts of the community that talked against all the past bullcrap. Most recent example is the overhype of Kinemon and Killer in specific. A buncha chapters later fucking Hawkins gives him a "8% chance of winning"- prediction. Laughable at best, "bu- but his sonic move".
I didn't ignore your big reply to me btw Tek. I just don't have much of a response to it since I've stated that examples I used doesn't reflect what I believe. Given how vast the opinions are, I used many different situations others might find inconsistent.
Holy shit, so many responses. I wanna read them all after school.

Surprised? I have accepted One Piece has a shitty power system, to the point where even the most avid fan admits Haki is extremely vague and unexplored.

You don't have to be senile before 50 to write a broken power system, marineford proved Oda doesn't give a fuck about scaling that much. In his head he probably thinks "X is stronger than Y" is enough, he doesn't delve on the how
So instead of trying to understand why you don't get it, you've conditioned yourself to believe it can't be understood. Lol.
Luffy getting one shotted by thuder bagua can be explained.
Kaido used CoC(overcoming the will of others) in his attack. And Luffy was already broken in his mind. There was no confirmation that his crew survived boro breath. Things went bad in a short period of time so he had no time to regain his senses.
And after attacking Kaido in a desperate manner with his full power and seeing that Kaido took no damage from his attack was probably the nail on the coffin.
He was weak in his mind so getting one shotted by thunder bagua infused with CoC is not really out of ordinary.

Zoro and Laws situation was different. There mindset was set on an all out war with a clear goal : defeating Kaido.
Thunder Bagua can be explained because Luffy got hit in the head. Easy right?
Well seeing quite the number of people with different opinions of how the scaling works, proving the point lol.

Once again, Oda doesn't have a real power scaling. Feats alone are irrelevant as characters are as strong as the plot needs them to be and the weakest characters can run over the strongest ones.

Because of the vagueness and inconsistencies, people fill in the gaps with their own interpretations and assumptions and try to kill each other for not agreeing with their subjective takes lol
So what's up with stuff like Marine ranks though, where some ranks are even purely based on having certain abilities (Vice admirals) or wielding a certain amount of power (admirals)? Basically with pre Ts Drake giving us the hint that most Supernovas prolly operate on Rear admiral level? Whereas the top3+Smoker might have already surpassed a bunch of Vice Captains overall, but simply, spoken in marine ranks, would lack the necessary haki for that rank- probably so that they can encounter stuff like logias and such on missions?
And what's with clear cut crew hierarchies: Captain > Top3 Commanders > Veterans/F6/allied Captains whatever > weaker named guys ?

Scaling at hand of feats against those, you have fluid and well recognizable powerscales. Like I said there are certain connecting links such as Sanji and primarily Luffy.

Just because it isn't as blunt as DBZ powerlevels it doesn't mean that Oda doesn't follow a coherent and recognizable powerlevel structure, which he clearly does.

And like @Geo said he would never give certain "too weak" characters "superiority indicating"- feats against "too strong" characters. Simply would and never happened.
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I didn't ignore your big reply to me btw Tek. I just don't have much of a response to it since I've stated that examples I used doesn't reflect what I believe. Given how vast the opinions are, I used many different situations others might find inconsistent.
Yo, okay. And so that's not necessarily your own view on those topics? So it's like a collection of fandom beliefs or what?
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Holy shit, so many responses. I wanna read them all after school.

So instead of trying to understand why you don't get it, you've conditioned yourself to believe it can't be understood. Lol.

Thunder Bagua can be explained because Luffy got hit in the head. Easy right?
There’s nothing to “get” context is just another word for headcanon to you guys. Finish school before acting like you know better
Seriously I mean just remember fucking "Oven vs Doflamingo".. I mean if that's what parts of the community really think at times, it comes to no surprise that some scales will be all over the place.
And like I said in my post, it's not like there aren't and always weren't parts of the community that talked against all the past bullcrap. Most recent example is the overhype of Kinemon and Killer in specific. A buncha chapters later fucking Hawkins gives him a "8% chance of winning"- prediction. Laughable at best, "bu- but his sonic move".
Did the Fandom actually believe that Oven is above Doflamingo back then? I wasn't active

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
So what's up with stuff like Marine ranks though, where some ranks are even purely based on having certain abilities (Vice admirals) or wielding a certain amount of power (admirals)? Basically with pre Ts Drake giving us the hint that most Supernovas prolly operate on Rear admiral level? Whereas the top3+Smoker might have already surpassed a bunch of Vice Captains overall, but simply, spoken in marine ranks, would lack the necessary haki for that rank- probably so that they can encounter stuff like logias and such on missions?
And what's with clear cut crew hierarchies: Captain > Top3 Commanders > Veterans/F6/allied Captains whatever > weaker named guys ?

Scaling at hand of feats against those, you have fluid and well recognizable powerscales. Like I said there are certain connecting links such as Sanji and primarily Luffy.

Just because it isn't as blunt as DBZ powerlevels it doesn't mean that Oda doesn't follow a coherent and recognizable powerlevel structure, which he clearly does.

And like @Geo said he would never give certain "too weak" characters "superiority indicating"- feats against "too strong" characters. Simply would and never happened.
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Yo, okay. And so that's not necessarily your own view on those topics? So it's like a collection of fandom beliefs or what?
Marine ranks are dependent on whether they're an Elite or not. There is a 3 rank difference an Elite and standard marine. Axe Morgan for example was Captian rank on his base and Lieutenant for MF since he's a regular marine.

Vergo and Smoker are VAs just like Maynard and it's unknown whether Maynard is an Elite or not. Smoker seemed to be an Elite even preskip but what about Tashigi? She's a Captain rank postskip so does that mean she a huge threat for poskskip Luffy like Smoker was? Captain Hina was outclassed by preskip Luffy.

Then there's Coby who's only a Captain like Tashigi. As stated before Maynard is a VA and if he a normal marines, then he same rank of Coby.

A lot of questions and so many assumptions to be made.