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Lead them to paradise.
@Fujishiro Most of the players you put as red voting Lanji do you really expect around 4-5 scum to all be voting Lanji? That kind of play from scum is really rare. So from your point of view you see Lanji as an easy push for scum.
Given the fact that he's been overshadowing most conversations for 2 days straight yes.

At the very least he's something they can vote and act like they're doing shit.


Lead them to paradise.

I said yesterday usopp was possible town which no one paid attention to, i mention it because saw some people deciding to lynch him, but not many. hope that would make them reconsider. , Then i went to sleep, when woke up, he was lynched. :tchpepe:
I mean your vote stayed on Gambit who died, as town you would wanna vote somewhere no?


Lead them to paradise.
Turns out my organs actually wanted me to post a text-wall before I sleep.

I want to make a poster out of this and show it to all of you.
frankly people throwing shade at people from the other faction doesn't make them more town in anyway. accepting to lynch someone for that is totally okay, scum hunting people on the other faction is totally ok too, it's definitely the town thing to do but if someone jsut specifically is looking to lynch people from the other faction then they are scum.
the ideal way to find scum in this game is to pin point the mafia team based on interactions with the people in their faction rather than the general behavior of scum hunting cause that can easily be faked when they are not a team.
Throwing a team mate under the bus most of the times happen in a bold move, makiing no room for anyone else to take the credit. shade throwing that is not very light that can be taken as deliberately distancing nor very bold is the factor type that differentiates team mates from non-team mates.
Lynching Sakura is actually not the optimal way to get info, her being scum doesn't make T-pein more of a scum but the other way around would do just that. if you are lynching Sakura for sheeping T-pein then just lynch T-pein to find the truth. besides, T-pein flipping scum would give some other info like Udell being town.
Ekko or Beta's flip would give the same info on the other. but Ekko's would be more beneficial overall.
that's why I prefer to lynch either T-pein or Ekko/beta
Lanji's lynch is BS in regards to that. most of the people over him are from the other faction. he could be scum, yeah, but then what.
In my group, Uwu and Gambit are town. I think Nat,Bleakash and Naomi are good and to a lesser degree Udell, Ratchet and Juliet. I made this post so I trust me too
I feel like BleakAsh is genuine specially after talkign to him in the PM last night.
I don't think or I choose to believe that Ratchet wouldn't set idle like this for the sake of his team if he had one, I think he would be trying harder than this. Uwu and Gambit are town. Xandil presumably scum. that leaves Ekko,Sakura,T-pein,Poison, Beta and knight
assuming they started with 5; to me 4 of those 6 are scum.
idc if any of them gets lynched tbh, but preferences are Beta,Ekko,T-pein and to a lesser degree Knight. Knight is like 99.9% scum to me rn. Sakura and Poison lynch wouldn't be as beneficial info wise as the other 3.
Also, a note that Sakura and Ekko don't strike me as possible team mates
Udell could be scum but he and T-pein can't be in one team.
The other group, I still need to dig more in their interactions with each other so I am not going to be much helpful here but
I trust Sky and to some degree flower,Hayumi and Destroyer. and Catyberry seem ok. midnight is town.
Krogo is scum.probably Ryu and Insomnia too,not sure about Ena that leaves 2 more dunno about alwaysmind, MDL and Fuji yet. If fuji stays like this then maybe we actually need to lynch Lanji. I know I am the one that I told him we need to focus on right group so I am not blaming him for that rn lol
I suggest you guys reread what @Typo posted.
Since I saw talk about a cult does anyone thing Ryu is the cult for claiming 3rd party? Last time I remember playing with a cult Kvothe claimed survivor and it turned out she was cult.
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