His fruit is hype, Orochi himself isnt.
Someone has to devour him alive and do justice to that fruit.

Maybe the lurking legend?
Orochi is too great of a character!
the only thing he lacked is strength... I wouldn’t even want him to be brave like Kaido...
I like him to stay as coward but strong... much more unique and awesome!
I swear, Orochi was the only guy from Kaido side who is always on his toes trying to prepare for scabbards and trying to warn Kaido and trying to get the job done!
And his subbordinate Kanjuro who is WAY weaker than calamity... was a reason for TWO scabbards to be down (Asura and Kiku)
He literally did more than any single beast pirate
Being coward/slimy/cunning/pathetic is part of his charm as a villain
He only lacked having strength while being that dirty hhh