One Piece Chapter 965 Spoilers Discussion

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You can't win
I don't get it, whether that's an admiral or not proves nothing... there's a whole fuckin crew right there so what's stopping it from being 1 v 10?

Are you saying there's alot of guys who can fight the entire Roger pirates singlehandedly? Can big mom or Whitebeard high diff the entire Roger pirates?
Lol you think the marines are stupid enough to send a single admiral without a battleship against Roger's crew? :lawsigh:

Cyrus the Cactus

Mihawk Reigns Supreme
Seems like Oden didnt want it the role lol
I guess Ace Teach Oden are similar
Never wanting the role.

I guess this is also how Oden was never named sword god, he probably refused the title
Ryuma was called the Sword God after he died, so if Oden was gonna get the position it would’ve been posthumous. And if Ryuma is anything like Zoro, I doubt he wouldn’t like being called a god either.
I don't get it, whether that's an admiral or not proves nothing... there's a whole fuckin crew right there so what's stopping it from being 1 v 10?

Are you saying there's alot of guys who can fight the entire Roger pirates singlehandedly? Can big mom or Whitebeard high diff the entire Roger pirates?
Wait, why are people even arguing if it's an admiral or not!???

LOL, some people spread lies, then after that people actually fall for it and believe it???

If there is one thing I know about Admirals of the marines, is that they all are tall and musclular. This guy is short, and thin. No way he is an admiral hahaha

Look at:
Garp Build
Sengoku's build
Zypher Build
Akainu's build
Aokiji's build
Kizaru's build
Fujitora's build
EVEN Greenbull's build which is still a shadow.

Admirals are all built in the same kind of way. Tall and Muscular. They are the pinnacle of what a normal person can achieve through hard training. Yonko on other hands, most are freak of nature with weird stories behind their abilities (excluding Pranks, who resemble admirals more)
Did not expect this chapter at all. The whole thing (and some Orochi time) is basically build up for Whitebeard vs Roger? Looks like the pacing has slowed down again, and that makes me and I imagine most of the fandom very happy. Please milk this a little more Oda.

Blackbeard did indeed sail with Oden and will be there to participate in the clash against Roger. Is this where he scars Pranks? Blackbeard made it seem like he sought Whitebeard and joined his crew, from our perspective it looks like another orphan WB rescued. Of course it could easily be BB's ploy. We're definitely in a for a minor Blackbeard moment soon. If he has significant moment with Oden on screen, that will change my idea for how Wano goes down.

Roger sounds depressed, sailing and picking fights for entertainment. That's probably what he's been up to for decades as a pirate and now it's all ending anti-climactically due to a disease. He even wants to end it all against Whitebeard. Then Roger met Oden, a strong charming guy who can read those Poneglyphs. This fateful meeting probably turned Roger's life around and made him decide to go all out on a final journey up and down the Grandline to One Piece.
I since Gaban is proving to be insignificant now Sanji fans again pushing the Ray = Z+S shit? lmao the desperation lvl that's super sad

And i'm also more interested in the potential Ray vs Oden fight since WB vs Roger will just be the typical Oda equal clash shit at most

So Orochi is being manipulated by an outside force... This flashback is getting better and better
Nah, Gabban is Sanji. They got the same swag
Although, not gonna lie, Rayleigh himself said he likes young girls, not us hahahaha. Shakky herlself said that he would be spending time with women LOL, but nonetheless, Gabban seems chill more in background like Sanji, while Roger and Rayleigh sticking out like Luffy and Zoro
Lol you think the marines are stupid enough to send a single admiral without a battleship against Roger's crew? :lawsigh:
So where are the rest of the admirals? Or are you saying one admiral and a bunch of vice admirals are enough to deal with the Roger pirates

Geez, if The whitebeard pirates required the whole fuckin Marine armada to deal with then are you saying that this one panel is the conclusion of a Marineford type battle with multiple admirals and vice admirals? So where are they? Apparently Sengoku and Garp who were admirals at the time WERE NOT HERE?

GEEZ LET IT GO... This proves nothing....


Wait, why are people even arguing if it's an admiral or not!???

LOL, some people spread lies, then after that people actually fall for it and believe it???

If there is one thing I know about Admirals of the marines, is that they all are tall and musclular. This guy is short, and thin. No way he is an admiral hahaha

Look at:
Garp Build
Sengoku's build
Zypher Build
Akainu's build
Aokiji's build
Kizaru's build
Fujitora's build
EVEN Greenbull's build which is still a shadow.

Admirals are all built in the same kind of way. Tall and Muscular. They are the pinnacle of what a normal person can achieve through hard training. Yonko on other hands, most are freak of nature with weird stories behind their abilities (excluding Pranks, who resemble admirals more)

For now his coat says admiral kitsune

Maybe he is just vice admiral

But hey... if it is indeed an admiral then lol

Also why would marines send someone weak to capture WB?

Probably they sent strings VAs or even an admiral


Nah, Gabban is Sanji. They got the same swag
Although, not gonna lie, Rayleigh himself said he likes young girls, not us hahahaha. Shakky herlself said that he would be spending time with women LOL, but nonetheless, Gabban seems chill more in background like Sanji, while Roger and Rayleigh sticking out like Luffy and Zoro

gaban was sanji before we knew the full crew. now with oden around, sanji coudl be oden that also likes girls and cooks. gaban could be jimbe.
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