One Piece Chapter 965 Spoilers Discussion

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Where are you Kaido? This is getting boring :lusalty:

Roger's and Luffy's crew are different, there is no obliged parallel.
However Rayleigh is clearly inspired to both Sanji and Zoro, not just to one of them. An incredible blond and bearded swimmer with a passion for alcohol and young ladies who fights with a sword and his legs, with scars similar to Zoro's and not afraid to show his calves:catsure:


Where are you Kaido? This is getting boring :lusalty:

Roger's and Luffy's crew are different, there is no obliged parallel.
However Rayleigh is clearly inspired to both Sanji and Zoro, not just to one of them. An incredible blond and bearded swimmer with a passion for alcohol and young ladies who fights with a sword and his legs, with scars similar to Zoro's and not afraid to show his calves:catsure:
He has only used his leg to stop an attack
Even Zoro swim
He has same hair of Adult Zoro
Roger FM

He has nothing to do with Sanji
If BB gave Shanks scar during that time. honestly, Oda would be a weak writer, or to be more precise, he would be someone who wants to please the Shanks fandom and doesn't have the balls to make them mad/upset.

Because why would Shanks who was still a newbie, still an apprentice, to actually say that Blackbeard is hiding his true power and living in the giant shadow of the so called WB. And saying he is more dangerous than what he tells you, if Shanks scar was when they were still weak and kids.
Shanks is like: I was not letting my guard down, Whitebeard. Do you get me?

I mean, why would he warn WB about him and his power, and that Ace is in danger, IF Shanks was talking about Teach's level when they both were an apprentice. Makes no sense, and Oda would just be pleasing Shanks fans by not making the scar later when Shanks became more infamous.
I understand the sentiment, but it's still a possibility. Blackbeard doesn't specialize in fighting with claws, fighting without Devil Fruits, the threat of Blackbeard is not necessarily related to his raw human strength. Or else Blackbeard wouldn't feel the need to seek out powerful Devil Fruits like the Yami Yami and Gura Gura to achieve his rise.

Who else out of Whitebeard's army of fodder scarred Shanks? Nobody. Not even any division commanders he may have confronted managed such a feat. Shanks was careful for much of his life, but wasn't good enough against a particular opponent who now goes by Blackbeard.

I do feel Oda will save this moment for a Shanks or Blackbeard flashback and not sneak into the Oden storyline, but it's no guarantee. If Oda wants Blackbeard in Wano to consume his third Devil Fruit or whatever, he will have a significant moment next chapter or the one after that to make his presence relevant. If Blackbeard won't act until the final arc, then he should comfortably stay in the background and this chapter is the most he's getting.
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