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There's no "Tina!"
ugh. still attempting to read all of this game and this lind post just feels kind of bad since hes trying to help nat. maybe nothing but combine that with his poor advice about how to handle this day and i wonder if lind is purposely trying to do something.
Yes, I’m purposely trying to help players. You’ll find my summary of her first 75 pages a bit later after the post you quoted. I hope it helps you catch up :cheers:
Sure, ask whatever. I have kinda read it, but not accurately. I will go for a re read.
i feel like last game as town you felt confident about your reads and went after them with a ravish hunger. this game however feels like you are a bit wary of players like ekko mel and yagoo being suss of you. im wondering where your confidence has gone and why it seems like there is a different vibe to your attitude in this game?
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