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Zoro Worshipper
i feel like last game as town you felt confident about your reads and went after them with a ravish hunger. this game however feels like you are a bit wary of players like ekko mel and yagoo being suss of you. im wondering where your confidence has gone and why it seems like there is a different vibe to your attitude in this game?
That's the funny thing about my meta. I can be extensively confident, sometimes less confident, thorough in my explanations, less. I literally played only two games as scum, one in which I would barely post, the other I was amongst the most active players. This time as Town again I'm sticking to my town like activity pattern, which is actually usually rather consistent, one of the few consistent aspects of my meta.

But yeah an intelligent player is a player who makes sure to analyse the in-game situations as broadly as possible before coming up with a decisional pattern, I don't always do that. Sometimes I didn't out of laziness, other times, few, I made sure to be more accurate.

The difference is not that Big at all with the last game regardless. I thought Fujishiro was really off in the last game for instance, this time I don't have the same quantitative of compelling elements at disposal about Melon. But still I was going to vote lynch Usopp. So as you see I still looked sinstantially confident and at the beginning I just wanted to make sure to avoid any tricky OMGUS situation.
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