Who will be the next Strawhat

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Why not now? Every crew will always have weaker members for chopper and brook and Robin and anyone around there to fight. Even emperor crews.
Because they're facing the best of the best now... Don't forget that they will have to surpass a crew of DF hunters, a crew regarded as the most balanced one, and an organization full of Haki users... Just take a look at who the recruits were from the moment the crew started to clash against Shichibukai and then when they started to clash against Yonko...

I personally doubt carrot will join, but I feel like if weaker people do join they’ll also get power ups to keep up.
Miraculous PUs only works with Nami and Usopp (and it's looking not really good these days) because they're physically weak... If we add another member who gets that kind of PU, it will make no sense, it will just be a very bad writing... I mean, why add someone that weak if that weakling will just be given a miraculous PU? Why not just make the addition powerful so that the next PU given will look natural...

Oda, Nami and Usopp are already getting criticized because of how they get PUs... We don't need another reason for Oda to get criticized...
I suppose Yamato holding Kaido off not only will lend itself to more background development, but also shows how crucial Yamato could be to Luffy's journey, in light of Luffy losing Round 2 and it now seeming as if Yamato is playing a crucial role in preventing Kaido from hurting anyone else like how he hurt Kinemon, perhaps throwing back to Chopper attempting to hold off Big Mom back at Whole Cake.
Because they're facing the best of the best now... Don't forget that they will have to surpass a crew of DF hunters, a crew regarded as the most balanced one, and an organization full of Haki users... Just take a look at who the recruits were from the moment the crew started to clash against Shichibukai and then when they started to clash against Yonko...

Miraculous PUs only works with Nami and Usopp (and it's looking not really good these days) because they're physically weak... If we add another member who gets that kind of PU, it will make no sense, it will just be a very bad writing... I mean, why add someone that weak if that weakling will just be given a miraculous PU? Why not just make the addition powerful so that the next PU given will look natural...

Oda, Nami and Usopp are already getting criticized because of how they get PUs... We don't need another reason for Oda to get criticized...
I agree with this. OP fans somewhat criticized Oda for using plot armor of Nami & Usopp facing Ulti & Page One by making Big Mom to appear. That’s why I even doubt if Vivi will finally join the crew again, because there’re too many people to have PU. Robin’s PU may only involve her having Haki and/or awakening, but weak trio need too many developments; and we don’t need another or two more characters who need major power ups in such small amount of time.
Because they're facing the best of the best now... Don't forget that they will have to surpass a crew of DF hunters, a crew regarded as the most balanced one, and an organization full of Haki users... Just take a look at who the recruits were from the moment the crew started to clash against Shichibukai and then when they started to clash against Yonko...

Miraculous PUs only works with Nami and Usopp (and it's looking not really good these days) because they're physically weak... If we add another member who gets that kind of PU, it will make no sense, it will just be a very bad writing... I mean, why add someone that weak if that weakling will just be given a miraculous PU? Why not just make the addition powerful so that the next PU given will look natural...

Oda, Nami and Usopp are already getting criticized because of how they get PUs... We don't need another reason for Oda to get criticized...
People are always going to insult Oda no matter what, it’s not changing the story. If it was going to he would’ve had Big Mom done and over with by now.

One piece isn’t a power manga. It’s an adventure manga, characterization >>> Power levels. Oda can always make characters stronger or weaker depending on what he wants, but making shallow characters is much worse.
Here’s a Yamato Jolly Roger I owed someone for a bet. Anyone’s free to use it how they wish:

HQ and Club-Less Versions:

Now’s probably a good time to talk about what I do like about Yamato. While Carrot is still who I’m betting on, I’ll be happy should Yamato be the one.

First, he’s very loyal. He loves what Oden stood for, and is determined to see his dream of opening Wano through. So much so that he’s willing to go against his own father to do it. He lived in constant fear of those cuffs and of his father’s control, but still stuck to his guns about Oden and wanting to sail the seas.

Yamato is also very progressive as a character. He’s opened me to a lot of things I didn’t know so well about the LGBT+ community, and I respect his choice to be a man. Doesn’t matter how he looks or dresses, even if something changes later, I’m still comfortable calling him what he wants to be called.

In terms of strength, Yamato’s hard to beat. Able to withstand rocket launchers, a wicked swing, possible Conqueror’s Haki. And whatever fruit power he has, it’s bound to only add to his formidable skills.

And finally, it’s amazing how dynamically he’s shaken up the story in such a short time. Saying he’s going on Luffy’s ship twice now, that does point to Oda having a solid plan in mind for him. I still have my reservations, but it’s still a major point in Yamato’s favor that Oda chose to spell it out like that. Then there’s how much Yamato has shaken up everything around him, getting Momo to safety, taking on both Ulti and Kaido himself, clearly admiring the Straw Hats and Luffy in particular for what he learned from Ace.

There’s a lot to like about Yamato. I’ll have no problem accepting him into the fold should the time come. Just know that whatever else I may say in our debates to come, I do it with total props to Yamato for being as successful as he is.
People are always going to insult Oda no matter what, it’s not changing the story. If it was going to he would’ve had Big Mom done and over with by now.

One piece isn’t a power manga. It’s an adventure manga, characterization >>> Power levels. Oda can always make characters stronger or weaker depending on what he wants, but making shallow characters is much worse.
We're already there, people are insulting Oda no matter what, so he should at least must not add anything that can increase those insults...

Adventure manga, yes... But unfortunately, power level is already established as a factor in the story... It's easier to pull a miracle when it comes to characterization without making the story sh*tty, it's Oda's expertise, like how he did to Law (who was just a last minute addition to Sabaody)...

Going back to our discussion, it really is unwise to add a Jinbe downgrade because of how Oda established the recruitment standards (mostly unnoticed by the readers) which I mentioned in a previous post...
Anyone joining is better than Carrot...
Well to be fair, carrot is much acceptable than pudding, ceasar, or caribou joining
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Here’s a Yamato Jolly Roger I owed someone for a bet. Anyone’s free to use it how they wish:

HQ and Club-Less Versions:

Now’s probably a good time to talk about what I do like about Yamato. While Carrot is still who I’m betting on, I’ll be happy should Yamato be the one.

First, he’s very loyal. He loves what Oden stood for, and is determined to see his dream of opening Wano through. So much so that he’s willing to go against his own father to do it. He lived in constant fear of those cuffs and of his father’s control, but still stuck to his guns about Oden and wanting to sail the seas.

Yamato is also very progressive as a character. He’s opened me to a lot of things I didn’t know so well about the LGBT+ community, and I respect his choice to be a man. Doesn’t matter how he looks or dresses, even if something changes later, I’m still comfortable calling him what he wants to be called.

In terms of strength, Yamato’s hard to beat. Able to withstand rocket launchers, a wicked swing, possible Conqueror’s Haki. And whatever fruit power he has, it’s bound to only add to his formidable skills.

And finally, it’s amazing how dynamically he’s shaken up the story in such a short time. Saying he’s going on Luffy’s ship twice now, that does point to Oda having a solid plan in mind for him. I still have my reservations, but it’s still a major point in Yamato’s favor that Oda chose to spell it out like that. Then there’s how much Yamato has shaken up everything around him, getting Momo to safety, taking on both Ulti and Kaido himself, clearly admiring the Straw Hats and Luffy in particular for what he learned from Ace.

There’s a lot to like about Yamato. I’ll have no problem accepting him into the fold should the time come. Just know that whatever else I may say in our debates to come, I do it with total props to Yamato for being as successful as he is.
Great artwork buddy
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One piece isn’t a power manga. It’s an adventure manga, characterization >>> Power levels. Oda can always make characters stronger or weaker depending on what he wants, but making shallow characters is much worse.
This is very much true. Oda in his past interviews that he's refusing to deal so much with power levels and shit, because that'll make OP a battle manga, which is very much on the same spectrum with DBZ.

Oda admitted that if OP became a battle manga it will be overshadowed by DBz so people need to tone down with their power level shit. Oda's making fights not because who is stronger. He'll make sure use plot armor


To beggin with, Law is a doctor.
Second, Carrot is not comparable to Law.
Third, law is Luffy's rival as a Supernova.
Law believes in Luffy and has the desire to learn about the D. and it is obvious that only Luffy and his crew will be able to help him do that. he doesn't to call Luffy captain or join formerly but i am pretty sure he will board the Sunny to Raftel at least as a friend.
Oda already make the ground for that. Luffy calling a friend , making a comparison between Law and Jinbe , stating that he is of his crew in Dressrosa, making Kid saying that Law is Luffy's subordinate. there is no harm for Law in having Luffy as captains then even back in Sabody Law was impressed by Luffy and only talked back to Kid.
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the grand fleet will grow for sure too. the majority of the former warlord will join as commanders in the grand fleet as subordinates crews , firends or allies.
Hancock goes without saying.
Buggy. it will be funny when they see each other again , Buggy will be angry and talk to Luffy like he talked to Shanks and ends up joining forces :D
Moria, if he refused to join BB and is alive he will seek revenge and we will see him along the ghost girl again and who will be more fitting than the one who took down his enemy Kaido who killed his orginal crew?
Crocodile might be hostile but he is different now and for sure he wants to be on the winning side, he already helped Luffy and i am pretty sure Luffy will thank him too.
Marco for obvious reasons no need to say.
Katakuri as the leader of BMPs , since he really thinks very high of Luffy the only person who defeated him and i am pretty sure he will come to know that Sanji was the one who rescued WCI by making the cake. or O-Lin if BM regained her mild and good nature.
Hawkins well he is not a rival and he follows what his cards tell him .
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I think most of us would accept Carrot joining if she actually had a character arc. Being naive and wanting to go out to the sea isn’t one. The fact that Yamato in just a couple of chapters managed to lay the foundation for one highlights the disservice Oda has done to Carrot

so don’t blame us for not liking her, blame Oda
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I think most of us would accept Carrot joining if she actually had a character arc. Being naive and wanting to go out to the sea isn’t one. The fact that Yamato in just a couple of chapters managed to pay the foundation for one highlights the disservice Oda has done to Carrot

so don’t blame us for not liking her, blame Oda
Don't blame Oda for your expectations XDXD
Carrot could just be "the mink" character the reader will feel an emotional bond for in the final war. Her character hasn't been written as one that deserves this grand role in the story
What's the big role of:
They have and end of their characters plotline, but their great role is to be part of the Mugis while reaching their dreams.
Carrot dream could evolve to se the Dawn with the mugis while living and adventure with them.

That's big enough for a Mugi xDxD
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