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Chrysti Ane is one of the hottest Pink Ranger out there.
That's what I'm saying the whole time Lmao.
Well, to be fair, Viola also did the same thing but then it wasn't serious and Viola turned into ally later on. Pudding however, have some tragic childhood and Sanji was also misunderstood about the situation but at the end, Pudding loves Sanji and regrets her action towards him.
Yes but let's remember, only the cape is the durability boost, the body suit is durable but it doesn't provide much shield compare to the cape.
The accelerators on his legs are also a speed boost but only if Sanji activates it. If Sanji just kick people normally without activating the boosters then it doesn't count as PU. And the floating device is obvious. And then the Invisibility is a power-up but only when he equipped the RS. And don't worry, Sanji's just testing the RS out. It's not like he would use it for strength purposes only.
Maybe. But I will still on the train of Sanji or Marco being the Suzaku while Genbu is the Wano island since there's a lot of theories about Wano being a moving turtle island.
That's dope as hell.