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How far I'll go...
[Passive - The Five Stages of Arguing] - Usopp is a prolific arguer. Whether it be arguing with the players or arguing with the host, once he begins, he will never stop. Usopp's arguments run through five stages. This ability will activate whenever a player has voted for him.
--- [Denial] - "what? no, that can't be true. Listen." A vote on Usopp can't be right. Usopp's voters will be told by the host to remove their vote or else.
--- [Anger] - "dude, r u fken with me?!" The player still has their vote on Usopp?! Blasphemy! Usopp may choose one of his voters to role-block their action for the following night.
--- [Barganing] - "ok so what if we just did this?" After calming down, Usopp is down to make a deal. He may target one of his voters to void any negative action that was used on them in the last cycle, however, they will be vote-drained as a result. He must have already used [Anger] before using this.
--- [Depression] - "this is some bullshit man lol." Usopp is really not liking the fact that he's about to be lynched over some nonsense. During the following night, Usopp will be saddened and unable to use an action. Alongside, actions targeting him fail.
--- [Acceptance] - "ok u win this time. I'll be back tho." Usopp has finally understood the meaning of the votes on him and is willing to set the error of his ways. He may activate this ability and Usopp will be immune to the actions of his voters from a previous day for one cycle. [2-shots]

[Passive - Go Down Fighting] - Usopp never gives up! He will go down to the wire and fight against town until he is lynched or town has changed their votes. If Usopp is lynched, it will fail and a night-talk will occur where he has another 24-hours to defend himself. Town can decide to let him stay or lynch him once more for good. [1-shot] [This x-shot cannot be refilled or increased]

[Passive - Susopp] - A curse has been blasted upon Usopp that he is destined to look scummy no matter what. Votes will Usopp will remain on him even if the player has changed their vote.

[Active - sup ningens] - Usopp is always there to surprise every ningen on the block. Ain't no player hiding from him. He sees all and he hears all. During the odd nights, he may choose a player to track. Alternatively, on even nights, he may choose a player to watch.

Money - 3,000 Yul.
Wincon - Eliminate all threats to Town.

Well you see, I recently got hired as a guard in the big city and their first post was in this sketchy ass town that has been rebuilt NINETEEN times due to a series of serial murders and random lynches.

You'd think after all this time they'd invest in proper background checks or at the very least, not ask for entry level security who has never dealt with shit like this before!...

That grave....was the only thing that kept me grounded. Whenever a townie dies, I'd bury them that grave and you're now telling me that people can REVIVE??? No....nononono that's too much...ya see, sometimes....stress can make one petty. Impulsive even. So...I had to let him in. And he's demanding compensation.

Would you like another drink!?:sweat:
Vannie dear

My mod crewmate Van

Thisssssssa wins as the most strange post in the whole pirate game right here.

Why is all the rum gone?! Bring me more pls, and then tell me: are you town?
Vote Lynch Typo

I'm scum reading Typo. When I iso him he said that Udell looked okay and talks about his play which means he had a town lean on Udell and then later he said he changed his mind about Udell saying his defense is ridiculous and that was a really bad 180 Typo did because players getting defensive is nai. He also threw in Zara, Fuji, Flower, Nat, and Lanji as town so fast after he subbed in which I saw this strange because on day 2 I was figuring out on the alignments on some of those players he put as town on day 2.
did you just steal my thunder?
Well you see, I recently got hired as a guard in the big city and their first post was in this sketchy ass town that has been rebuilt NINETEEN times due to a series of serial murders and random lynches.

You'd think after all this time they'd invest in proper background checks or at the very least, not ask for entry level security who has never dealt with shit like this before!...

That grave....was the only thing that kept me grounded. Whenever a townie dies, I'd bury them that grave and you're now telling me that people can REVIVE??? No....nononono that's too much...ya see, sometimes....stress can make one petty. Impulsive even. So...I had to let him in. And he's demanding compensation.

Would you like another drink!?:sweat:
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