Zoro's position in the Strawhat crew

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The three animals in the Momotaro story represent the alliance Momo and the Samurai created.

It doesn't mean that Marco is going to fight Kaido otherwise we would have Momonusuke fighting Kaido which is dumb to even think about.
There’s no way in hell caribou is telling either yonko about shirahosi because they won’t get her. It’s redundant. That plot line could have been introduced ages ago. What good does it do now?
So Caribou learnt this for nothing? Just for a slight tension back in FM island? He was brought to an arc where two yonko are allying with each other to obtain these ancient weapons.

Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
Most of them rejected or didn't want to join at first. Yamato instantly wants to join the SHs at the first moment of meeting.
Same as Brook
Robin joined on her own accord
Franky showed some reluctance at first but joined
Jimbei immediatly joined

Every single one joined after their own personal problem was solved
Actually this isn’t confirmed… that statement about Zoro being 100% was from a spoiler… the actual manga never says he is going to be back to full health
it's safe to assume that the super regenerative medicine is gonna make him recover to full health or close to that, judging by the side effects.
King is the only character who insisted many times on killing Momo.

It's pretty on what's going to happen soon:

Luffy and Momo will land on the live floor. King sees Momo and goes after him but Marco stops him. Luffy leaves Momo to the Samurai and Marco to protect him. He grabs Zoro and flies to the rooftop. Round two begins. While Marco fights King and the Samurai+ Gifters protect Momo.
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