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Blood Manipulation
(I didn't read all the quotes)
  1. Most obviously: he's not revived but returned i.e. no guarantees he's back as town. If anything maybe he wants revenge for getting killed.
  2. His suspects are Hayumi, Lara and I yet he can't push and stick on a single wagon.
  3. Thanks the person who revived him even though he knows he was not revived but returned and says he doesn't know why
  4. Twists my actions saying I tried to town clear Knight when in reality I was trying to get him to trust me as I suspected him for a long time.
  5. Then goes back to trusting me (because of TAC) and wanting to vig Midnight.
  6. Susopp wondering about why Midnight didn't declare him public enemy even though Lanji admitted to roleblocking Mid
  7. @Ekkologix if you rolecrushed Knight then he shouldn't have been able to make people scan innocent, yet iirc Zem2 scanned inno while being scum empire.
  8. Then focuses on Hayumi which seems to be based on reads
  9. Then switches back to me
  10. This reminds me a lot of Zem's play, where they're not sure where to put their attention
  11. I trust TAC
This is end game, you gotta be more confident than that. You are dividing your attention on multiple players without coming up with strong arguments.
And you said you had some info to share @Ekkologix ?

Anyway this is half ass, it's getting late.

Add that he suspects me because of... activity... on day 7.


No dude... that's a bike...!!
(I didn't read all the quotes)
  1. Most obviously: he's not revived but returned i.e. no guarantees he's back as town. If anything maybe he wants revenge for getting killed.
  2. His suspects are Hayumi, Lara and I yet he can't push and stick on a single wagon.
  3. Thanks the person who revived him even though he knows he was not revived but returned and says he doesn't know why
  4. Twists my actions saying I tried to town clear Knight when in reality I was trying to get him to trust me as I suspected him for a long time.
  5. Then goes back to trusting me (because of TAC) and wanting to vig Midnight.
  6. Susopp wondering about why Midnight didn't declare him public enemy even though Lanji admitted to roleblocking Mid
  7. @Ekkologix if you rolecrushed Knight then he shouldn't have been able to make people scan innocent, yet iirc Zem2 scanned inno while being scum empire.
  8. Then focuses on Hayumi which seems to be based on reads
  9. Then switches back to me
  10. This reminds me a lot of Zem's play, where they're not sure where to put their attention
  11. I trust TAC
This is end game, you gotta be more confident than that. You are dividing your attention on multiple players without coming up with strong arguments.
And you said you had some info to share @Ekkologix ?

Anyway this is half ass, it's getting late.
1. agree but really do u have a proof i turned bad or its just a speculation? my role is still same i just came bk after my killer died
2. im sticking to lara. i havent voted u and hayumi yet.
3. yea thats how much i pay attention to my role/gamestate. sorry
4. cool i cant argue it cuz i havent read most of it. still NAI for me tho cuz ive done this as both alignments. do u agree?
5. mid is town. i cleared him my self with lanji. im willing to accept a vouch for u much easier than accept a vouch for lara. again dont see whats scummy about it?
6. same as 5. its how i cleared him. dont see how is this scum indicative.
7. did he make zem scan innocent? he shuda been rolecrushd unless he is immune to it. how do u know he made her innocent tho? who scanned her?
8. umm whats ur point with this exactly? there r 2 scum here and im trying find them both. i think zara is ine and hayumi 2nd one.
9. nah never did ur making things up
10. what does?
11. i trust him too, kinda. i just want him to properly explain to me why zara is town

im very confident in my scum read of zara. what else do u want from me exactly?
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