Will ZKk Happen?

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Gorosei Informer

Wow, someone predicted Robin using a giant clone in Hashirama type. Must be a genius with over 180iq.

Sorry but I've seen dozens of people talking/drawing shit like that.


Thats fair on you but I still think this is really cool and I've been hoping for it to happen for years. I'm not sure it warrants such a sarcastic, cynical and edgy response but ah well. I've not seen a lot of these types of art and posts despite what you've said but if they exist, all the more props to those people then.


Formerly Seth


Thats fair on you but I still think this is really cool and I've been hoping for it to happen for years. I'm not sure it warrants such a sarcastic, cynical and edgy response but ah well. I've not seen a lot of these types of art and posts despite what you've said but if they exist, all the more props to those people then.

I had Robin as my #1 until recently and this chapter.

Imagine she knew Haki all along and could be useful. Fuck this shit and fuck Oda.
well kaido had people all over the new world looking for the scabbards since kanjuro was actively feeding them information. it is better to do that at that time for safety reasons when they were targeted by such powerful people.
true, but it doesn't justify throwing the name, momo only recognized the importance of his kozoki name in wano, it's a very recent development.
here are the panels :

chapter 701 - when luffy suggests that momo should fly

chapter 973 - when the kaido asks momo "what is your name?"

it was made pretty clear in the story that his fear came from kaido holding him up like that. and its going to wonderfully tie in with him carrying luffy up to the rooftop by flying and therefore breaking that fear.
thanks for the panels, i didn't read that chapter in the official translations.
crying isnt wrong lol. he is an 8 year old what do you expect? he's been through a hell of a lot and the only moment he cried in onigashima was when - 1. he almost died. 2. kiku and kinemon died. how is that a bad thing???
most kids his age throughout the series have overcome their trauma in a matter of days, weeks, am i wrong to expect similar feat from momo. they said it's been months in the current timeline.
he makes nami look like a goddess, and there's people think he will get CoC.
but he did go on the journey. he was shielded from everything by oden (obviously because he's just an 8 year old kid) and was thrown into the limelight suddenly. he's now slowly understanding his importance, his role and his dream. this whole story arc from punk hazard to wano is momonosuke's tragic backstory and redemption arc. and yes, he was mainly inspired by luffy.
no, momo's story started in zoo when his real identity got revealed, and even then his value was mostly related to him being oden's son.
luffy forced him into saying his desires, which was just revenge at the time.
it's not until wano and udon in particular that he started to act based on his position and status and adopt his father's ambition of becoming shogun as his own.
it's okay for him to feal overwhelmed by the sheer weight of expectations placed upon him, but he should've at least build some mental fortitude, 6 years of his life was in wano during orochi's rule, he isn't a normal child and he shouldn't be spoiled in those circumstances.
vivi had more balls when she was his age.


The Rogue Prince
Is it hard to think she unlocked haki either just now or during the time Robin was in Wano?
1. she wasnt training her haki. atleast on screen. she had a mission to inflitrate and get information.
2. i mean if it was written like that i would accept it like i accepted all the enies lobby powerups. but if it is like she had haki ever since the timeskip and she didnt use it all along, then it'll ruin her character for me.
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