I'd kill for another Zou type of arc
Act 3 ending never!

Skypiea is such a great and fun arc, no one should ever skip the Skypiea arc.
WCI as an adventure was actually pretty good, but the arc in itself suffered through the many conveniences and of course the reason why the arc happened did not sit well with me.
Problem is Oda condensing a lot of different ideas into one, and of course also most of the stuff is known since we are actively targeting Yonkou, so the Strawhats are far more active in their journey, whereas pre-TS was they stumbled into stuff.
Heck, that is perfectly underlined by usage of Log Pose. Pre-TS since Whiskey Peak Log Pose was relevant until Shabondy.
Post-TS the new Log Pose has not once been relevant. After FI we got to Punk Hazard, from then we aimed for Dressrosa, from there we had a vivre card to Zou, from there WCI with the help of Pekomz and then Wa No.
The only traditionally adventurous arcs were FI and Zou.
Problem is Oda condensing a lot of different ideas into one, and of course also most of the stuff is known since we are actively targeting Yonkou, so the Strawhats are far more active in their journey, whereas pre-TS was they stumbled into stuff.
Heck, that is perfectly underlined by usage of Log Pose. Pre-TS since Whiskey Peak Log Pose was relevant until Shabondy.
Post-TS the new Log Pose has not once been relevant. After FI we got to Punk Hazard, from then we aimed for Dressrosa, from there we had a vivre card to Zou, from there WCI with the help of Pekomz and then Wa No.
The only traditionally adventurous arcs were FI and Zou.
Fishman Island and Zou definitely were the adventure arcs as you said and it's funny how a lot of people elswhere in THE community regard them as the "worst arcs" post TS, can you believe that!?

Excellent points anyway, well said too! That was really important to be pointed out too, we need things like this being brought up more in the community as a whole.
There's a lot of people out there who are forgetting what OP was in the beginning, what it was about and what made it One Piece and so unique.