Gotta wonder, do Zoro fans like Mihawk because he's Zoro's future and most important opponent, or they just like the man himself?
Speaking as a massive fan of both, I really love Godhawks character and design alone. There's so much that I find fascinating and awe-inspiring about him, so many mysteries, so many questions. His style his immensely cool, badass and awesomely Gothic and he has incredible skill, strength, speed and discipline.
He's really charismatic and has shown some wonderful nuanced layers to his character that I was really hoping for. The whole relationship to Zoro thing from the beginning is pretty much the delicious icing on an already amazing cake and just serves to make the whole thing so much more hype, fun, epic etc for me.
I really love that he planted a cocoa tree for Perona (if I'm remembering right) from her novel and how he showed respect and undesrstanding to Zoro, his interactions with Zoro both at Baratie and at his own island too ofc. There's so much I want to see and know about his character and he's exactly my kind of character. He kinda reminds me of Coyote Starrk my favourite character from Bleach, (although I knew Mihawk first ofc) so that is a complete win for me too naturally.
His interactions with the humandrills and his shared bonding and habitation with them and how they literally try to ape him, to mimic him and such just makes him so much more endearing to me too. I'm so curious to know what his relation is to that island he's on and what he actually does know about the war that ravaged it, the kingdoms and people involved and if he was involved directly somehow or feels pain/tragedy/sympathy or whatever for them, maybe losing someone or even people he knew due to it?
There are theories he lost his crew in the past too, hence why he's such a loner and isolates himself so much, maybe he slayed them by accident due something going horrifically wrong like being possessed and or cursed by something or someone or they were slain in war or by some kind of powerful enemy.
There's the fact that his boat is a coffin that he just sails around on which is amazing alone and incomprehensible to imagine, but it also has green candles which seem to imply loss/deaths and thus are funeral/underworld themed or so?
"The color green is often said to forebode death. This idea may be a survival of the ancient worship of Mercury, and even of St. Michael in Christian times, both of whom were messengers of death."
The fact has has Christian themes and heavily symbolism with crosses implies so much about him too. Is he some kind of holy crusader? Hence the Gothic style he has too? And he serves the World Government too? Lives in a war torn and thus destroyed kingdom? Or given the Dracula references in his name and design ofc, is he a sort of Dracula expy/inspiration somehow or even Van Helsing the vampire hunter? Arch enemy of Dracula?
He seems to have exactly the same eyes as Imu too, which is INSANE! And it implies SO MUCH too naturally!
Imu has red eyes if I remember right and Mihawk was meant to have red eyes apparently, not yellow. Toei apparently made a mistake by the looks of it? Yellow is the colour of "the eyes of hawks" and he is "Hawkeye" Mihawk ofc, so it completely fits in that regard but it seems like he's meant to have red eyes and thus the theories and jokes of Zoro having a Sharingan where his closed/"missing" eye is/was are infinitely more hilarious now too! Especially as some people theorised Mihawk took Zoro's eye, like how a hawk can rip your eyes with their claws too!
Also on another note, I I keep forgetting Zunishas eyes apparently are the same design but same colour as you can see in the pic above there? I wouldn't be surprised if Imu (assuming they are immortal as I suspect) or an ancestor of Imu commander Zunisha to walk for eternity somehow! Through some kind of eye ability/Conqueror's haki/Devil Fruit power? We really are getting into Naruto territory aren't we? It doesn't help we're in Wano and have ninjas and also "the Kyuubi" appearing in a previous arc too LMAO!
I know I typed an essay here and I could keep going on and on about Mihawk (but I wont ofc), as I really do love his character a lot, itwas one of the things that sold me, got me hooked into OP so much in the past. Even now around 16-17 years later at least, I'm yearning so much to see and know more about him.
I really wish Oden has gotten to meet him and spar with him too, also for Roger to have met him and dueled. Same with Prime/Young Whitebeard even. How would he fare vs Big Mom and her homies, especially Napoleon too? I wish he would still duel Shanks now too, I'm very disappointed by his reluctance to do so but I'm hoping he has some serious, personal reasons for refusing to do so.
I expect Brook to change objective and deal with another powerful opponent. That would be a treat if truly occurred.
Yeah I completely agree. Brook has never had a real 1v1 fight since he joined, he has his fight with Zeo at Fishman Island but it wasn't an all out fight. He deserves a really good duel/fight with someone and I'm still desperate to see him take on Apoo and have the most badass, lethal, destructive and just crazy, wild, "warpy" music battle!