Wan King confirmed! Seriously though, come on Oda, it's been too long for King! Stop making him a Smoothie 2.0! But at least he's not another Snack though...He really needs his all out solo fight and to showcase his hybrid already. He needs to be given the same glory Katakuri and ironically Marco got in the past and now too.

Yeah same here, but at least we got what we did get ofc! It's strange that she doesn't have haki usage and thus mastery, considering she's been around for at least 30 years and was on the run and fighting for her life since she was 8.
I was really hoping this would be the arc where the remaining SHs would start unlocking haki and prepare for the endgame. Usopp could have used COA to try and tank Ulti better and not take as much damage. It would have been SO HANDY when he fought Miss Merry Christmas and Mr 4 back in Alabasta and god knows Luffy needed Haki back then vs Crocodile ofc! LOL
I'm hoping all the SHs will show basic CoA Hardening usage and Observation awareness by EOS somehow. Fodders and Vice Admirals have hardening but not most of the SHs who trained for 2 years too, really?
I like someone's idea on here that Jinbei will help teach Robin Fishman Karate, to help her master it from his own experience and mastery of it ofc, but she has no excuse not to have Haki with the likes of the Monster Trio and Jinbei with her now. 2 years with the Revolutionaries, Sabo was concerned about her not being strong enough and needing to learn Ryusoken but they didn't actualy teach her to use haki?
Seth was really frustrated about Robin in this regard and its completely understandably why imo. I love the concept of Haki but I do think it appeared too late and its causing far too many problems now in hindsight. It was needed too due to Logias especially and such, for top tiers without DFs to be top tier fighters as well and counter DF users generally but it's caused so many problems now too.