Should MonsterZoro be banned?

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lmaoo just fucking reread what you fixed clown? lol is that really you behind of your keyboard? wtf you like a garbage retarded fuck. at least we using facts but you using sanjitards wet dreams get a life
I am not even apart of fanbase, I am helping toxic side not to be on Head Piece or they get debunked, we know Head Piece isn't canon, it's not stupidity, bruh.
Sanji had his ass on the ground besides marco, they were 2v2.
It's a matter of teamwork, like the rooftop, when the SN weren't teaming up they were easily brushed aside, but when they had a collaborative plan they almost killed big mom.
Sanji and marco had no teamwork and they were doing individual attacks that has no effect.
You can even say that both marco and sanji were fighting 1v2 but they were easily dealt with.
Its not you can say its litterly what happens read spoilers and same in summary, how is fighting 2 calamities and being pushed back just to jump back few seconds later a bad thing ?


Heavy Metal
The Sanji is wings thread :jay-he:

it destroys the dolls if the doll is destroyed. nothing can help him just see what Law did here, and how Hawkins reacted even as they met the next time Law told him that he didn't learn but Hawkins learned though he didn't put all 3 in the same place.
Nice catch, could be an easy solution.

But also, Kid barely notice that injury which would have killed Hawkins anyway. :D


"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings"
Skull Dome Live Floor
Queen: Hey! Ex-Hundred Beast Pirate Scum!!
King?: You’ll pay a high price…
King: …for betraying us!!
???: Where’s Marco-san!!? Please do something!!
???: He’s already at his limit. We have to get through this ourselves!!!
???: Sangoro-san are you okay!?
Sanji: Damn it! Taking both at once is a beat too much!! wheeze…wheeze…
???: They are looking for Zorojuro!!
???: Who can stop them then!?
???: If nothing is done, the whole floor will be annihilated!!
Sanji: Chopper!! Miyagi!!
Sanji: If the drug isn’t working then take Mummy Marimo over there with you & run away from here!!
Miyagi: I’ve already given him the shot but…
Tristan: Will it take a bit more time?
Miyagi: In the first place he’s body was heavily injured so…
Chopper: Zoro do ur best!!
Sanji: If it’s me you want, I’m right here!!
Queen: Ugh!!!
Sanji: Sangoro-san!!
King: Find Ronoroa Zoro and finish him off!!
King: From the looks of it, he’s tryna to get some weird treatment
King: Don’t let him recover!!
Perospero: Damn animals…
Perospero: They can’t see coz of all the dust they made
Perospero: I’ll be the one to take out Vinsmoke Sanji!! Perorin🎵
Perospero: If you married Pudding, we wouldn’t have had to ally with this rowdy bunch!!
???: Boss! That’s him!!
Neko: Is that so…
Perospero: Die!!
Perospero: Germa failure!!
King doesn't want to let zoro recover?! :crazwhat:

it destroys the dolls if the doll is destroyed. nothing can help him just see what Law did here, and how Hawkins reacted even as they met the next time Law told him that he didn't learn but Hawkins learned though he didn't put all 3 in the same place.
And where are you seeing the dolls being destroyed there?
We only can see Law cutting those fodders and that's all. We don't have panel of the dolls supposedly linked to those fodders (or do we?).

And Hawkins face is he reacting to Law, he saw him coming at him. I don't see anything else.
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