i like moments like this

its remind me how our crew was
plz oda we want panels like this with the whole SH crew plz
First of all, Who are those four prominent characters with prominent designs?
The guy with on the right who looks like a macho
The guy on the left with a hat
the person next to him with blonde long hair
and the guy with pointy hair like Yonji
All those 4 characters appeared on many occasions and got more focus than some oridinary people
Also, funny enough, Momonosuke seems to have the same kind of drawing on one of the color spreads of SHs taking a path of the ship, while he was sitting close to Zoro if I recall
Lastly, it's great to see the Roger crew in this flashback be that damn laid back. Do you know why?
becuase I got so annoyed with the amount of fan complaint at SH being so chill and laid back in the New World, and "oh they should be more serious, oh we need lots of tragic shit, oh Luffy needs to stop being so carefree and become more serious"
This flashback truly made Luffy's crew and Roger's crew similar in that aspect where having fun on each island and charging recklessly and be carefree as well as running away from animals ...etc always happened with the likes of Roger, Rayleigh, Oden...etc.
Makes no different for Luffy being PK or not, he will be himself, and be the same old carefree person.