What will happen till end of Wano?

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Alright, glad we agree that Base Sanji was << a serious Jyabura- as he clearly couldn't react to him, overpower him, and was getting blitzed in direct confrontations 4 times in a row.

You think that's because he was 50% health.

Now, where in the fuck did you get the 50% health thing? Show me one canonical statement, implication, or portrayal which suggests that it isn't a number you shit out of your ass?
Sanji kept speed blitzing him during the whole fight, he landed more hits than jabura did, the only reason jabura overpowered him was because of tekkai, sanji countered that with diable jambe and put him down in 2 kicks
Judge modified them, so he probably removed the fire bending genes, the only one that wasn't modified was sanji, so he kept those genes, Imo it's a nice theory that makes sense, and it doesn't make judge look like an idiot who would give the flashiest powers ever to someone who is invisible
I don't love the idea that Judge somehow gave sanji this power. It doesn't make sense as DJ goes against everything Judge stands for:
A power fueled by emotion.

If this is the route oda goes, it's fine, but it just doesn't seem quite fitting.


Just a reminder to all ryuma downplayers : Pirate King Roger didn't have a black blade.......
:crazwhat:how strong was this man Ryuma? Now that i think about it shusui was of the lowest grade and was upgraded to second grade when it became black, so ryuma did all that with a shittier blade compared to Roger's supreme grade sword.:crazwhat:
Some fodder like Khalifa got Sanji to 50% health? Lmao what.

Not to mention he had plenty of time to rest on the floor, too.
So zoro carrying damage from baratie all the way to whiskey peak is nothing?

So zoro luffy and sanji being damaged from thriller bark and talking about it in sabaody a week later is nothing?

That's all the proof you need to know damage doesn't heal up In a hour. Thats some troll level shit you just tried.

So sanji getting stabbed through the heart by khalifa repeatedly tempest kicked and hit with her df means nothing? She koed sanji and had him on the floor unable to move.

Getting beat up by cp9 on the train that same day means nothing?

Wanze slamming sanji and making him spit up blood means nothing?

Foh troll. You're wrong.
The same databook puts zoro equal to luffy in strength. This databook was released while ennies lobby was ongoing.

If zoro equals luffy because of a databook then why is luffy fighting an opponent who's strength is over double zoros opponents strength?

Need I remind you...
2180 with sanji at 50% health
Yes that same databook. Yes and thrillerbark. The last databook vivecard for pretimeskip said Zoro was 2nd only to luffy which makes sense cause Zoro was on mihawk Island while luffy went through alot.

Kaku got mid diff by Zoro and Doriki only measures physical strength not swordsmanship,skill, techniques, speed etc... So stop posting nonesense. Jabra ran from Kaku attack and Kaku should far superior attack power. Jabra also tried sneaking Kaku and easily dodged. Kaku has a superior DF giraffe>Wolfs. When Zoro and kaku clashed enies lobby shock from shock wave.
I don't love the idea that Judge somehow gave sanji this power. It doesn't make sense as DJ goes against everything Judge stands for:
A power fueled by emotion.

If this is the route oda goes, it's fine, but it just doesn't seem quite fitting.
Power fueled by emotions and who let Sanji mantain those emotions? Sora.

And maybe that power is really coming from Sora's genetics.
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