[FNZ] Role Madness [Season 2] Round 12 - Genshin Impact

Is Flower always scum?

  • A) Yes

    Votes: 22 66.7%
  • B) Option A

    Votes: 11 33.3%

  • Total voters
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Good luck with that lol
What the f is a town core anyways xD
Is Misty a new player? Is she feigning ignorance here?

Dont be so harsh on a new player
No need to panic over one vote lol or are you scum :beckmoji:

vote lynch Night raid
So this is kind of pingy.
Give me an actual argument so I can destroy it, I'm itching to do it.

Guys I think I found scum lol
Doubles down on Night Raid?


all I wanted for Christmas was your reaction to that since you seemed to panic. Also, day phase is 48 hours, don't pretend you are dieing
But then unvotes Night Raid? Well if you were baiting a reaction, and seemed to get a reaction that you thought was scummy, why unvote?

Post 1180 is interesting because she calls out Ekko for fishing and then also defends Conq. This quote in particular, "And I agree with Centurion that lynching one of them is going to give us a lot of info to work with, and I don't think it's TvT. But we shall see how the rest of this phase is playing out" is kind of pingy because if you think Ekko vs Fuji is w v w, why would you try to say we shall see what happens. Kind of seems like she's protecting herself in case they flip Town.

I'm not sure how you are seeing it as giving a free pass. I simply think you should keep a more open mind, you are tunneling too hard. And you are talking like weed can't make you paranoid, well it can xD

I am fine with going back to this in this dayphase still but there is plenty of other things coming up and I don't like how you are waaay too focused on one player. We bearly heard anything else out of you and I am pretty sure you posted most this dp
Calls me out for going too hard at Conq but then says she's fine going back to him in the day phase. Like, what?

So let me get this straight, this is not about your read on conq at all. I simply notice you slip in and out, posting where you can't really put a foot wrong and disappearing again. For me, that isn't townplay, but first game in a couple of years so I may be completely off the point.
It felt like less lel, Drago hasn't really posted anything that could be deduced from don't you think? I mean this is not about post count.

I think it's different factions or one t v s but not tvt but then again I could be wrong. It's not a theatre in that case, is it now? And the thing is, ekko is fishing Fruitwhatever is fishing. And I don't like that at all. Therefore the scumreads.

And why exactly would the same read on conq mean I shouldn't sus you?
This is the post that kind of made me feel like they're Town and also kind of shits on me sussing both Juliet and Misty because I think this interaction probably means they're not mates.

are you saying you don't believe conq's claim?
This is kind of interesting as well. More talk about Conq.

well well well, things are moving, and I do agree on your read, I think Nat leans scum as well..

Vote lynch Natalija
Here's the Nat vote and like I said, no mention of Nat being suss. Should be interesting to note that Misty sheeped UWU's vote on Nat AFTER Misty called him out for being suss.

simply the lack of substanance so far. But it's starting to change so I might unvote soon

I don't think I said you are coasting, I said you are taking a backseat, and at the point you were. Not good not bad

I am really liking mister Grammaton's play and I am getting more neutral on Nat so Unvote
Here's what pinged me about Misty and started our interaction. Nat didn't do anything of more substance between Misty voting her and then unvoting her that really makes me believe this. It should be noted that Melkor called her and UWU out for their quick back-to-back votes on Nat.

Because they act like it, fruitji is super weird. And ekko has a fishing rod longer than the great wall of china
Here's a lame reason for believing that Fuji vs Ekko is w v w.

I agree with this. The tunnel made me sus of him, and the fact that he went quiet right after I called him out on it, but perhaps he only went to sleep
doing that is fine, tunneling 50 pages long isnt imo, not without anything new coming up really

Also, is there a reason you suddenly post about other ppl now you've been mentioned to focus too hard on conq by multiple ppl?
So Misty calls me out for tunneling Conq too hard, but then in her next post in the game seems to shade me once I start talking about other players. Like, this is just a lose lose situation and apparently in Misty's mind, if I tunnel Conq, or I start talking about other players, both are suss to her.

Lots of hostility from Misty in this game as well. You think a player playing their first game in some time would be maybe a little bit more friendly/cooperative? Now, is all of this enough for me to confidently vote for her and call her scum? I'm not quite sure. But I think there's enough here to at least warrant some attention and even votes.

Vote Lynch Misty
I dont have the time to play tomorrow and soon ima have to go, its not about me acting scummier or not, you lot are judging me of meta most of all, its about town not losing me as a role.

You know what i give up, do whatever you want. I did my best.
This is the kind of post that just makes me want to lynch you can end your misery. Considering that your lynch will give us info, I'm not entirely opposed to it even though it's probably not the move I personally want to make.


No dude... that's a bike...!!
I wanted to say something earlier about claims but forgot to and now I remember. @ConquistadoR @Dr_Professor83 don't claim any immunity that you may have unless you absolutely have to. Claiming that you're immune to something only helps scum, not town. With your frame immunity now out in the open, Conq, scum won't now waste a frame on you. With your invest immunity, Prof, scum won't waste role cops on you. You might have thought that it's a good idea to reveal this information cause Lind did it in JoJo and it's a passive similar to miller, but the ability hurts scum more than it hurts town. So by revealing it, you've helped scum with their night actions as now they won't try to learn your role since they know the invest will fail. They can then investigate another player to ensure they will receive a result(if not blocked of course) which could lead them to learn about important power roles. I understand you were worried about a cop investigating you but all you need to do is just play well enough so that a cop wouldn't want to investigate you. If you're town and a cop wants to check your alignment cause they think you're suspicious then you're doing your job wrong.

When you have immunity towards something as a townie, it's generally an immunity to something harmful to town in the game. Revealing it only helps scum to know not to target you. What's better instead is to make scum want to target you with that specific ability you're immune to so they can waste it(now this would probably be difficult for Conq since trying to bait scum to frame him would require acting suspicious in the day which isn't optimal play so in his case, I wouldn't recommend doing that but I hope y'all get the idea).
r u post restricted to drop walls of text?


Lead them to paradise.
This is the kind of post that just makes me want to lynch you can end your misery. Considering that your lynch will give us info, I'm not entirely opposed to it even though it's probably not the move I personally want to make.
Yes, end my misery. My lynch wont give shit.

I lie detected you btw.

Light D Lamperouge

𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝕮𝖔𝖚𝖑𝖉 𝕳𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝕭𝖊𝖊𝖓
What do you guys think about @Light D Lamperouge so far?

Did a little ISO on them and they have a little over 20 post but not a lot happening in them.
I know they are good.

I feel like guys like @Rej and @RippedCal and @Light D Lamperouge need to come back into the spotlight and post more.

@Light D Lamperouge has over 20 post but none of them are doing much besides friendly banter/engagement. Which is different than last game’s D1 as Town where it didn’t take Light long to actually get into some serious exchanges with that Miller stuff in that game. I’m not ready to Scum read them or anything but I’ll definitely be watching to see if Light becomes more productive from here. I asked everyone about Light earlier hoping to see what people who know them better think.
Yes I do have 24 posts, this being the 25th post, and they are more banter oriented. The serious exchanges happened because people were shading me over claiming miller. Then Zara made a completely weird post and I went off on him. We continued that as long as he was responding. At the time I was posting in this game, people were mainly fluffing, and nothing too serious was happening, bar Conquist's odd behaviour. A myriad of people already focused on that, so it did not need my focus as well.

@Light D Lamperouge @Lord Melkor

You guys alive? You two are too good of players to just let slide by in this game. Looking at Melkor's posts and I see some shade and pushes. Looking at Light's posts and I see nothing but fluff and talk of the 'Town core'. Both also have a tidy 24 posts, just slightly above the powerhouse Tobi.
Yes, I am. I am just terribly busy. Spent most of the time the other day studying and had a 4 hour exam today.

I also need to check in on the bestie @Light D Lamperouge , you have been quiet. I can read this two ways :choppawhat:
Which two ways Zemmi?

I definitely don’t like @Light D Lamperouge ’s inactivity this far in. As we get further in I’m going to get more and more suspicious of the players that I’ve seen be active before that are “coasting” currently.
You've played two games with me. One in which I started as scum and one in which I got converted N1. In both of those games I was reasonably active, in one a top 5 poster, in the other in the top 8. Why would you suspect me for being inactive though? You have no experience with me being inactive. Could you explain please?

@Light D Lamperouge scum 4th time in a row arent u? :catblush:
If I were scum this would have been a higher number in a row, if we count those games where I got converted.

You have to bold it bestie.
i dont know the meta/player tendencies of most players.
im trying to give my read about the flavour and the group as i understand from their messages.
even in the jojo game, i literally ended up sheeping your ryu lynch on d1. its hard to scum hunt on d1 while being new man.
i am going through the entire thread looking for mistakes/inconsistencies though.
It's not hard, though? We're almost 100 pages in so surely there's something that has caught your eye that you feel worthy enough to push or discuss. Instead, you've just kind of been sitting on the sidelines saying 'yeah I think that person is suss' or 'no I think that person is kind of townie'. Feels like you're sitting on the fence.
Is Misty a new player? Is she feigning ignorance here?

So this is kind of pingy.

Doubles down on Night Raid?

But then unvotes Night Raid? Well if you were baiting a reaction, and seemed to get a reaction that you thought was scummy, why unvote?

Post 1180 is interesting because she calls out Ekko for fishing and then also defends Conq. This quote in particular, "And I agree with Centurion that lynching one of them is going to give us a lot of info to work with, and I don't think it's TvT. But we shall see how the rest of this phase is playing out" is kind of pingy because if you think Ekko vs Fuji is w v w, why would you try to say we shall see what happens. Kind of seems like she's protecting herself in case they flip Town.

Calls me out for going too hard at Conq but then says she's fine going back to him in the day phase. Like, what?

This is the post that kind of made me feel like they're Town and also kind of shits on me sussing both Juliet and Misty because I think this interaction probably means they're not mates.

This is kind of interesting as well. More talk about Conq.

Here's the Nat vote and like I said, no mention of Nat being suss. Should be interesting to note that Misty sheeped UWU's vote on Nat AFTER Misty called him out for being suss.

Here's what pinged me about Misty and started our interaction. Nat didn't do anything of more substance between Misty voting her and then unvoting her that really makes me believe this. It should be noted that Melkor called her and UWU out for their quick back-to-back votes on Nat.

Here's a lame reason for believing that Fuji vs Ekko is w v w.

So Misty calls me out for tunneling Conq too hard, but then in her next post in the game seems to shade me once I start talking about other players. Like, this is just a lose lose situation and apparently in Misty's mind, if I tunnel Conq, or I start talking about other players, both are suss to her.

Lots of hostility from Misty in this game as well. You think a player playing their first game in some time would be maybe a little bit more friendly/cooperative? Now, is all of this enough for me to confidently vote for her and call her scum? I'm not quite sure. But I think there's enough here to at least warrant some attention and even votes.

Vote Lynch Misty
I am not sure who I was hostile to but sure^^

again you are misinterpreting my post, I said I found your timing suspicious, and I certainly hope this is the last time you make me repeat that^^

And yes I change my mind a lot. I am out of practice^^ it is my first game in a couple of years I believe by now, but that is irrelevant. As is how hostile or friendly I play. And as a matter of fact is your vote^^

I have not been posting much as I have been busy this past few hours and will be heading to bed soon. I look forward to reading and responding to you tomorrow.
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