Is TACy a she or a he?

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Dude you must be trolling lol. First you say it's not big feat but then says it is.
Reletavely speaking. It's great feat in super nova context. If you ignore Luffy attacks, Asura did actual damage to Zoro. But that damage is not crippling enough to put Kaido down for good.

Supernova still lost to Kaido. Which way that attack helped in the fight? Kaido went down floor and KOed Kinemon. He chased Momo. And then we had Yamato fight.

If you look at grandscale of things, that attack is not that great. It was momentary thing. May be when Zoro master Enma, he might do better feats.
Lmao yamato keep matching hybrid kaido in 1 vs 1 even put HYBRID rages kaido in his knee.
She Getting smacked here and there and doesnt even lost conciousness.this is again a hybrid kaido and 1 vs 1 fight.
On contrary zoro's strongest attack which is asura couldnt put kaido down, not even put him on his knee and that wasnt even in 1 vs 1 fight lmao
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Kaido's HP Progression so far

Before the announcement of the Raid: 100%

The Raid: 99.96%

Rooftop before scabbards: 100%(healed)

After Scabbards: 94% (4% is attributed to Oden PTSD)

Big Mom Kaido reunite: 97%(Healing in progress)

NG vs Yonko Face-off: 99.99%

After Red Roc: 99.41%

After Haki-less One Giri and Killer: 98. 70%

After Auction House Trio Tag Team: 99.00% (Healing)

After Luffy, Law, Kid, Killer tag team: 98.70

After Luffy G4 attacks: 98.65%

After missed Zoro Hiryu Kaen scare: 92% (He huffs for a moment) but he returns back 98.36%

After g4 Gattling: 97.30%

After Zoro's Tatsumaki: 89%-91%

1009: 94% (Takes no damage;Recovers)

After Injection shot: 93.10%

After Extremely Nerfed Asura: 44%-53%

After Luffy's CoC Punches: 42.40%

Defeats Luffy and Recovers HP: 43.2%

Now he's been hovering in the 40's ever since :kayneshrug:
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I think Asura probably inflicted him a 10% or so.

Kaido is crazy.

I would not be surprised if Current Kaido still stood on something like 80% and above.
Well Asura made Kaido tremble for quite a while, and Kaido was huffing a lot after it. I don't think a fighter who took a 10% Hit would be shaking and consistently huffing from it, especially if said fighter is a tank. The attack would have to be super heavy to warrant such reactions.


Zoro Worshipper
Well Asura made Kaido tremble for quite a while, and Kaido was huffing a lot after it. I don't think a fighter who took a 10% Hit would be shaking and consistently huffing from it, especially if said fighter is a tank. The attack would have to be super heavy to warrant such reactions.
I think Kaido never took such damage bar the time Oden inflicted it to him therefore he ended up extensively shocked from the event unfolding.
Asura wasn't nerfed vs Kaido. It's just that it took the rest of Zoro's stamina. Characters are known for pulling through their damage. Machvise crushed Hajrudin's skeleton while Hajrudin wasn't able to move him from his place. Yet he pulled through with a shattered skeleton and punched Machvise to the edge of the birdcage. Healthy Zoro just would have uses Asura casually.
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