Found a good thread theme for this win:
Have said most of what I wanted to say in the Dead Chat, but congrats to the Cult and Indie winners. It's frustrating in a way, because I feel like we, the Town, clutched defeat from the jaws of victory. But, when you look at the whole last 3 cycles Town made simply too many mistakes, which cost the game. T-Pein lying about receiving results maybe being the biggest of them, but there's plenty of blame to go around. When you compare that to the Cult, they only made one mistake, and that was lynching Aether over Ekkologix. With Ekkologix then poised to clutch the game, he also made a mistake, by shooting into the unknown Cult roles, instead of the known. Had he shot Broki, then he very possibly could have won this game, and probably would have.
Anyways, setup was great. I don't think I have any real issues with anything, there's an element of luck and RNG to every game and I don;t think any part of the design relied too heavily on things going right for any faction. I think even the Serial had a fair shot of winning, which is particularly impressive. Good job,
@Flower &
@Lindltaylor (and
@AL sama).
MVP - Broki
Broki played really well. I was going back and forth as to who I felt was better between Conq and her, factoring in Conq being new, but I think Broki deserves it anyway. The last couples of Day Phases alone were a joy to watch - just the revel of openly-scumming, the gifs, the arrogance, I loved it. I've seen Broki from her early days in Mafia, and it's always impressive to see how far she's come since then. Broki is a great player, and I feel like players kind of overlooked that this game. By far, the most deserving victor.
@Underworld Broker I hope to see you play more games here, none of this one and done business even if it is a win