WGARENA Rooftop Showdown


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Hello everyone, the second tournament of WGARENA is over and the winner is @ALI! A new patch has been release and a new tournament will start! you can subscribe here :)


Starting guide https://worstgen.alwaysdata.net/forum/threads/wgarena.16592/post-1774393

What's gonna be new in this "patch"
-NOTE Overall some big changes have been made to the gameplay under the hood , i did all the tests i could but as always i'm sure i've missed something , so if somethin that ruins your experience happens i apologize :)
This is a very big change that will add A LOOOOT more versatility / options when creating a deck.
Each card belong to a group that will grant it and extra bility (the interactions are more or less same as the basic abilities u are used with some new interesting additions) the values u get from the affinities will be added to those of the basic ability (if not stopped) (like if an affinity gives you +8 attack and a normal ability also gives you +8 attack it will be +16 attack)
-In the deck creation page you will see a list of jolly rogers, u can sort cards by clicking on one to see all the cards of that group ( click on the same jolly roger to return to the normal list )
-You will also find a SHs jolly roger in the deck creation page and the fighting room at the bottom right click on it and a list with an explanation of all the affinities
-NOTE: this is still an experimental feature, there are like soo many possible interactions with abilities / affinities that i couldn't test all of them myself
so if things don't work as expected send me a pm :)
-I've added an indicator of the barrels used on the cards so you can better keep track of enemy's moves (it will appear at the bottom right of the cards at the end of the round)
New cards added :
Alvida , Avalo Pizarro, Belo Betty, Benn Beckman, Boa Marigold, Boa Sandersonia, Bullet, Dragon, Heat, Karasu, Kuma,Magellan,Momonosuke (Adult Dragon Form), Pica, Sabo, Shiryu, Wire

What's next ?
- Improve the interface even more, right now it's not so bad but i still don't like it :V
- Balance cards a little, though to do that i need a good amount of data like how many times X card was picked over Y card maybe X card is too strong
so i should nerf it etc etc, affinities should definetly "help" with that , cards that previously were really weak now can find a place in a deck, so if previously
was foolish making a deck of "just characters i like" now it's somehwat viable (if u're good at the game xD ) but still there are some cards that are too op and some too weak so i'll try to balance things in future
- Fix eventual bugs

For those who never played it you can find more infos in the past 2 threads



1 @Wris
2 @Natalija
3 @Thururuzao
4 @solis

5 @Zemmi
6 @Finalbeta
7 @Pantheos
8 @Tobi
9 @Seth
10 @Destroya
11 @Ratchet
12 @TheAncientCenturion
13 @Rayleigh-Sama
14 @Dragomir
15 @SanjiIsStrongerThanZolo
16 @Aether

Some tags
Last edited:

Formerly Seth



A small history of how @ALI! won:

Ali: Lol, game.

Ali: Hmm so these are the rules ( analyzes the possibilities, decks, and moves for the next 24 hours ).

Ali: Kay, I'm ready.

Ali: Types: Uh oh let's try this for sure but I will probably lose early.

Ali = Proceeds to win. Ali: Lol I really won? I thought I wouldn't make it past 2nd round ( Hehe who would've thought ).


Don't cry issa joke. But Ali really likes games:sanmoji:


Stand on the edge of your dream and fight


A small history of how @ALI! won:

Ali: Lol, game.

Ali: Hmm so these are the rules ( analyzes the possibilities, decks, and moves for the next 24 hours ).

Ali: Kay, I'm ready.

Ali: Types: Uh oh let's try this for sure but I will probably lose early.

Ali = Proceeds to win. Ali: Lol I really won? I thought I wouldn't make it past 2nd round ( Hehe who would've thought ).


Don't cry issa joke. But Ali really likes games:sanmoji:
Yeah, apparently I'm not as bad as I thought I was XD