Again with this???? He low diffed a Tobbi Roppo. How can someone who's not a Top YC low diff a Tobbi Roppo? You guys have a skewed perspective on what a "YC2" is. They are not that strong.
Cracker countered Boundman, because Oda wanted to showcase Tankman. It's that simple. Stop using that as some fucked up proof of combat ability. Queen did worse than Jinbe against Big Mom.

Cracker countered Boundman, because Oda wanted to showcase Tankman. It's that simple. Stop using that as some fucked up proof of combat ability. Queen did worse than Jinbe against Big Mom.
When we see characters as Holdem easily return (who as we know was beaten by Luffy)saying P1 is done for is quite dumb tbh.
Even more with the revelation of Drake being part of the marine.
If the image of YC2 is a you say "skewed" just imagine the idea of a Toppi Toppo....