Sallu who are your prime two sus beside these two and why?
Gramma - Now Alibaba
I still don't know why we didnt push more on this guys. He was seen targeting Destroya the same night he got killed and janitored.
Now Xlaw did RB him this night and we don't have any janitored kills. I'm not sure if mafia works the same as in ToS and they get a faction kill or not. In this case the Super kill on Gambit could have been an ability and not the faction kill?
I would love to hear from Misty (was Marimo)
For 2 day phases straight he didnt say anything at all. I hope this will change now Misty took his place.
Also still don't like T-Pein.
For the same reason I already mentioned earlier in D1. His first vote on Sera still feels strange to me. Especially when he said we shouldn't bother reading the pages Sera's case was discussed. I somehow can't get rid of this strange feeling from this play.