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The non SH fights will be concluded quickly. Hiyori and orochi stuff can be resolved in a 1 or 2 chapters. Same with BM vs Kid and Law since BM isn't being defeated anyway. Zoro and Sanji fights will concluded in 2 full chapters max each. Kaido is not getting a massive flashback so that can also be done within a few chapters.
A lot of can and wills lol. I specifically remember you stating to me that King and Queen would be defeated by the end of volume 101 or chapter 1025.

And here we are in the first chapter of volume 102 with only Jack down lol. The fights are non-linear and many other events take place in between them.

I'm not holding a candle to this happening as fast as you think lol
Hmmm I have mixed feelings about this chapter...

I like that the fights are being taken care of quickly but I feel like Oda isn’t really respecting these characters and their strength. Jack literally hasn’t taken a single W since his introduction

Perospero on the other hand actually got to do things so I’m satisfied with him being taken out now since he’s already been in multiple fights. Him bodying Carrot and Wanda made him one of my favorite characters in the whole story

I do like that Momonosuke pretty much isn’t doing anything significant against Kaido. He dodged a Boro Breath which has never hit anyone and managed to make Kaido scream.... which he does even when taking very little damage for some reason

I don’t really see the problem with the Luffy vs Kaido clash when we’ve seen something like this before already. This doesn’t break the power scaling at all

Overall decent chapter but it could definitely be better
Well yeah. I don't think anyone can argue that Jack's fight deserves more panels.
What i am saying is if queen vs sanji only gets 1 chapter, then it make senses for oda not to spend 1 chapter on jack's fight especially because he is fighing a non-SH
To be fair the non-Sh is not working, Oda spend at least 1chapter for each Doffy member in the past, he spend more screentime for Fuku vs Raizo. It is just rushed and not have anything to do with him ending it fast because is a non-sh fight. Marco vs King and Queen had at least 1chapters worth of fighting. Or Scabbards plot which Kanjuro.
Jack is a major villian back from zou arc, he is Kaido calamity, it is not fair that character like Gladius,LaoG and co get at least 1fight chapter when Jack not get anything.

Formerly Seth

This Luffy progression doesn’t feel earned. How come he’s already splitting the sky man?!
I mean this is like whatever. We knew this moment is coming. He already clashed without touching with Kaido so lol.

The bad thing about this chapter is how poorly oda threats the main villians ( aside from Kaido mom ofc ) and instead giving Jack justice he makes him a punching bag for losers like inu and neko and prefers to give panel time to bitchass tama.
I really don´t get Oda, he choose ways who are wrong in anyway.
Just look into that:
-He spending over 80 chapters to build up the raid and even in the raid he skip many fights, we see much times running and fodders going down. Of the Big mom pirates he only take Perospero here since he has a buisness with the MInks in Oda view, okay you saying.
What he is doing? He skip Carrot and Wanda vs Perospero and you already start asking why Oda even take Pero here if he anyway get show in offscreen battles? But then you thinking himself that he going to get later a his main fight because Oda giving him enough build up as character, taking him extra to Wano for his plot, so you accept the offscreen battle with Wanda and Carrot since you thinking he going to get a full fight chapter later.

Then the Nekomamushi revenge plot is happening, you are happy that Perospero finally get his fight and the way how Oda build it up, you thinking that we going to see the fight soon, like the build up was similar to flying six who get at least 1-2fight chapters.

The same for Jack, his whole fights so far where shown in offscreen, the dude has not any named attack so far, even Tama as non fighter has one named skill while Jack has nothing. Then we see Jack at rooftop vs Sulong Minks, hyping to see that battle, but nope Oda offscreen it, we see Jack winning and facing now Sulong Neko+Sulong Inu, you thinking, okay if he offscreen the battle since we finally see the revenge plot with Inu+Neko vs Jack, but again nope, he offscreen it again to a point where you asking himself if Jack is really a commander, since even Ulti and Pageone getting even more screentime in fight scene case.

But you see Jack coming back later and the plot with the Scabbards starts, to a point when Jack get finally his 1on1 too. You are hyped to see Inu vs Jack, but again he offscreen even the hybrid form moment of Jack and just show is parelle to other scenes. At this point I start becaming mad but seeing Oda finally let using Inu his sulong form give you hope that we see soon 1-2fight chapterr without offscreening.
Overall you see Oda extra take Jack back and give him proper build up for his battle against Inu.

And what Oda doing now? He offscreening again Perospero and Jack, a fucking commander with so far not any named attack or haki using overall. When we spend for a entire arc with 120chapters, he decide to skip the most important fights for the reader after all the build uup which he do in the past. Even fodders get more screentime, hell even Holdem had more screentime and showcase of his skills then Jack lol. I really try to understand Oda, why bring Pero and Jack, giving them proper fight build up only to end their fights again in offscreen? Wtf is he thinking which that? After 120chapters for he the arc he start to think to rush up the pace? That is probably the most biggest problem of Oda as mangaka which I never like. He spend to much time for irrelevant stuff which the readers don´t wanna read and then when he is worried about the time, he skip the most important parts after the great build up which he had for them in the past. That is actually not a great writing and sad for Perospero/Jack to get handle this poor after they already getting trashed manytimes in this arc.

Kinda dehype me for the other fights, probably he rush Hawkins vs Killer+Raizo vs Fuku next chapter and then speed up Sanji+Zoro vs Queen+King. Kaido so far is a great villian and you can feel his danger threatment, but his crew are shown here as jokes, the underdogs of the arc which we never had before lol...
How do you know Jack doesn't use any named attacks in this chapter?

Formerly Seth

Hmmm I have mixed feelings about this chapter...

I like that the fights are being taken care of quickly but I feel like Oda isn’t really respecting these characters and their strength. Jack literally hasn’t taken a single W since his introduction

Perospero on the other hand actually got to do things so I’m satisfied with him being taken out now since he’s already been in multiple fights. Him bodying Carrot and Wanda made him one of my favorite characters in the whole story

I do like that Momonosuke pretty much isn’t doing anything significant against Kaido. He dodged a Boro Breath which has never hit anyone and managed to make Kaido scream.... which he does even when taking very little damage for some reason

I don’t really see the problem with the Luffy vs Kaido clash when we’ve seen something like this before already. This doesn’t break the power scaling at all

Overall decent chapter but it could definitely be better
What I would add on top of it is the belief in the fandom that One Piece was above Naruto in terms of power scaling.

Okay Naruto's growth durign 4th great ninja was crazy but think about it.

Dressrosa was like when? Month ago? and now look what Luffy can do.

Anyone who thought Oda would not rush power ups and execute them perfectly is a delusional man.
A lot of can and wills lol. I specifically remember you stating to me that King and Queen would be defeated by the end of volume 101 or chapter 1025.

And here we are in the first chapter of volume 102 with only Jack down lol. The fights are non-linear and many other events take place in between them.

I'm not holding a candle to this happening as fast as you think lol
Updated prediction is:

To be fair the non-Sh is not working, Oda spend at least 1chapter for each Doffy member in the past, he spend more screentime for Fuku vs Raizo. It is just rushed and not have anything to do with him ending it fast because is a non-sh fight. Marco vs King and Queen had at least 1chapters worth of fighting. Or Scabbards plot which Kanjuro.
Jack is a major villian back from zou arc, he is Kaido calamity, it is not fair that character like Gladius,LaoG and co get at least 1fight chapter when Jack not get anything.
1) Unless you think sanji vs queen deserves 2 chapters, if not, Jack's fight should not warrant 1 whole chapter.
What we can argue is if Jack's fight deserves half a chapter or not.

2) You have to take into consideration that Jack has already gotten more screentime than queen + king. That dude's been on screen since end of dressrosa and zou.
What I would add on top of it is the belief in the fandom that One Piece was above Naruto in terms of power scaling.

Okay Naruto's growth durign 4th great ninja was crazy but think about it.

Dressrosa was like when? Month ago? and now look what Luffy can do.

Anyone who thought Oda would not rush power ups and execute them perfectly is a delusional man.
Feels like this happens to every shonen author near the end of their series... I wonder why
Jack had more panel time and actually better feats than King and Queen.
There was no need to give him even more screen.

P.S: but, I had to say that him losing against Inu makes no sense. Inu was beaten by the fucking Kaido while Jack by InuNeko. Unless Hiyori has miraculous healing powers so Inu regained more "hp" than Jack with his fruit and surpassed him in this regard.
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